Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Animation Watch: Fire & Ice (1983)

Watched:  08/18/2024
Format:  BluRay from Austin Public
Viewing:  First
Director:  Ralph Bakshi

This was the weekend for watching movies I considered viewing during COVID lockdown but never got to.  Certainly Gymkata was part of that, but I'd also bookmarked the 1983 animated adventure film Fire & Ice.  

Ralph Bakshi is a figure that I think those in the know were still discussing in the 1990's, but I'm not sure anyone under 40 in 2024 is really aware of Bakshi, his work or what should have been his legacy.  I'll leave you to Google the man, but he burst out of the counter-culture scene, partnering with R. Crumb and making animated features that were decidedly not all-ages.  His films were famously oversexed, and in the US, our relationship with sexualization battles between raw objectification, cartoonish piety, artistic vision and feminist criticism - leaving Bakshi an unapologetic provocateur.

But he also was trying to make art.  And as such, pushed boundaries and envelopes.  His work used familiar imagery, just off kilter enough to look like part of what you may see in other, more sanitized and popular work, but maybe what was happening in other parts of Toon Town where Mickey would never go.  But his interests also strayed into what one could do with music and image (as all animators get to), and an interest in what animation had the potential to do that live action was not capable of for high fantasy.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Gymkata Watch: Gymkata (1985)

Watched:  08/17/2024
Format:  Amazon
Viewing:  Second
Director:  Robert Clouse

I genuinely don't know what led to making this movie.  I have so many questions.

I first saw Gymkata (1985) on basic cable in the mid-90's, I believe as part of USA's "Up All Night" block of programming.*  Aside from the basic plot, one amazing action scene and one specific twist (you could see coming a mile away), my memory of the movie was mush.

It's a movie about a gymnast recruited by the CIA to go into a country on the edge of the Eastern Bloc and secure the friendship of their king by winning "The Game".  "The Game" is a foot race across the small country during which the unarmed participants are pursued by soldiers on horseback with swords and bows and arrows.  You also have to pass through a city full of deranged people who I think are all cannibals?  

The country is apparently one big RenFest, with no motor vehicles and everyone dressed in a mix of what looks like regional and period outfits.  They ride horses.  There are guys dressed like ninjas who suck at everything.  There's maybe 3 guns in the whole movie.  Our heavy looks like the guys I remember seeing handling snakes at the zoo when I was a kid.

Why a gymnast?  Well, because climbing and hopping.  He also learns to turn his skills into fighting skills, provided a piece of gymnastics equipment is nearby.  Or baddies want to stand still while he does a floor routine.

There's a girl.  She's super cute and the actor they found who was shorter than Thomas, who was 5'5".**  The best line of dialog in the whole film is about her:

"Interesting background.  Her mother was Indonesian."  

And you can wait as long as you want, but there will be no more information about what that's interesting.  So, congrats, all of Indonesia!  You are interesting.

Watching the movie in 2024, I can hazard guesses as to how Gymkata came to be.  It seems it was produced and distributed by MGM/UA, which is utterly mind-boggling.  It's a low-budget martial-arts movie filmed in Europe somewhere, and the biggest star is not an actor, but Olympian and gymnast Kurt Thomas, who briefly enjoyed fame in the mid-80's after winning gold in 1976 (the US did not compete in the 1980 Olympics in the USSR).  He just was kinda-famous for a bit. And in the glut of cheapo action films, novelty and a name were a solid combo.

Thomas did not act, really, before, after or (arguably) during Gymkata, but someone decided he should star and didn't fire him - which probably says something about either the cocaine consumed or the certainty no one cared.

Director Robert Clouse made his mark as the supposed director of Enter the Dragon, but I think we all know that was really Bruce Lee, right?  By the 1980's, he was doing this sort of thing and would be the eye behind the China O'Brien films, which I liked then and would purchase now.***

The movie is more or less fifteen minutes of set up and then what feels like following Thomas in real time across what looks like a really nice place to be - which IMDB tells me is Yuogslavia - which is super weird in 1984 or whenever they filmed this.  

Anyway - I can't recommend this enough.  It is absolute nonsense of the highest order.

*Rhonda Shear!  Simply the best pal for late night movie watching
**Thomas passed in 2020
***But they aren't good, just so you know.  I just liked them in the 1990s.

Boat Noir Watch: Dangerous Crossing (1953)

Watched:  08/17/2024
Format:  Criterion
Viewing:  First
Director:  Joseph M. Newman

Criterion is being a bit silly for summer and added a collection of "Vacation Noir" films.  I've seen most of them, but will likely rewatch Niagara, because technicolor Monroe is in it, and it's pretty great, from what I recall.  

This one I'd never heard of.  Maybe that's because it doesn't star anyone with whom I'm particularly enamored and Joseph M. Newman has directed things I've seen, but he didn't quite set my world on fire.  I chose it in part because it was late and the movie ran under 80 minutes.  

It's...  fine.  Essentially the lovechild of The Lady Vanishes and Gaslight, Dangerous Crossing (1953) is a paranoid thriller aboard a steamer bound from New York to England.  Jeanne Crain plays a newlywed who boards a ship with whom she's rushed into marriage.  Once onboard, they split up so he can drop money with the ship's purser, and she heads to the deck to wave good-bye to NYC before hitting the bar.

The husband does not show up as planned.  And when she goes to find him, her room is locked and she can't get in.  No one can recall seeing him - but they do remember her.  She's shown she's checked into a different room under her maiden name and with none of her husband's luggage.  

Michael Rennie of space-movie fame plays the ship's doctor, who may also want to be on the lady who is either married and traumatized, or insane and traumatized.

Mostly the movie is Jeanne Crain running around looking for her husband and everyone else insisting she should rest.  


No, you won't get out ahead of the mystery unless you throw common sense to the wind.  The villains' plot requires Crain to have chanced upon our baddie, fallen for him, immediately married him without telling anyone, and then getting on the exact ship in order for the scheme to work.  And for this guy to cook up this plan after seeing a rich girl's father died, just assuming he was that much of a player, is a bold, bold call.

I mean, it's a lot.  

Crain is... fine in the movie.  But watching her just run around a ship set looking frantic isn't much of a way to spend a movie.  

The movie did one thing that worked shockingly well that seems like it should have been annoying.  The ship is stuck in fog for a good chunk of the film's time, and so the fog horn just keeps blowing.  And it becomes a weird, ominous tone - and it really does get you into Crain's headspace.

Anyway, it's okay.  On the letter grade scale, an uninflated C+ or B-.  It's not original enough to suggest as a novelty, and it's too convoluted to feel they knocked the concept out of the park.  The performances are solid, but this is clearly not a huge blockbuster.  But it's entertaining!  And as a thriller, it kinda/sorta works.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Epic Watch: Cleopatra (1963)

Watched:  08/14/2024
Format:  Max
Viewing:  First
Director:  Joseph L Mankiewicz
Selection:  Jamie

Well, I thought about the Roman Empire a lot the past few days, so there's one meme based in fact.  And, I had to flex some brain cells from my two semesters of Roman History, taken circa 1996 that I don't use all that often.

I had pitched watching something else, but when we opened Max, Cleopatra (1963) came up, and Jamie was curious - and I am not one to say "no, no.  No Liz Taylor" and so we embarked on a two-night journey with a four hour movie.  Yeah.  Four hours.

Cleopatra is famed for a few things.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Let's See How a 13-year Old Post (On Netflix Streaming) Aged, Shall We?

For reasons I cannot begin to fathom, this 2011 post that featured me shrugging off the modest rise in cost of Netflix's streaming service has been getting views on this here internet website.  I have no idea why, but I suspect I'm probably getting canceled somewhere by teens with unicorn anime icons.  So everyone buckle up for that to hit.

In the post, I marvel at the possibilities of streaming, and how *cheap* this really is, when you consider the value in comparison/ contrast to rentals, going to the movies, etc...  

The first thing of note is that I didn't bat an eye at using a Louis CK clip.  Hoo-boy.  Time marches on.  And, I kind of forgot, CK was actually really funny until, uh, things came to light...  I think his point in the clip holds fine if you forget his relationship to shrubbery.   

A quick recap:  what I was excited about was that, in 2011, Netflix had worked out deals with the studios to get a lot of their back library.  And for someone interested in movies from all eras, this was a gold mine.  To me, then and now, the *obvious* thing to do was/is put the entire catalog of studios onto a service.  

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Conclusion: Paris Olympics - Summer 2024

Gold Medalists Sydney McLaughlin-Levrone and Tara Davis-Woodhall

It's been a ride!  

I've always paid attention to the Olympics, but I'd describe the approach at League HQ this go-round as "laser focused".  We took off, I think, only one or two nights to do other things, but still caught what we were trying to catch via replay.

Here, at the end of more than 14 days of sport - 16 days from open to close, plus preliminary rounds - I feel a bit like a kid at the end of camp.  It's a brief, intense experience, and you want to hang onto the vibe.  But part of that vibe is knowing:  be happy it happened v. being sad it ended.  I don't think I could live in a world where the sport I was watching was interrupted by diving coverage for 45 unwanted minutes every day.*

Vamp Watch: Abigail (2024)

Watched:  08/11/2024
Format:  Peacock
Viewing:  First
Directors: Tyler Gillett, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin  


A vampire movie opening with Tchaikovsky's "Swan Lake" is a cheeky move.  And it really sets the tone for what's to come for vampire movie fans, both signaling an awareness of *your* awareness of the genre, but also using it as diegetic music as a young girl takes to an empty stage in an empty auditorium.*

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Summer Olympics 2024 Cont'd

Gabby Thomas takes Gold in the 200m!

It's more or less been all-Olympics, all-the-time here at The Signal Watch.  

We've moved into Track and Field, which - sometime about 16 years ago - became my favorite part of the Olympics.  The "Athletics" or "Track and Field" portion of the Olympics - racing, throwing things, jumping... always feels, to me, like what I came here for.  I was annoying Jamie by watching the trials earlier this year.  I am invested in the success of Sha'Carri Richardson and Noah Lyles.  I want to see Gabby Thomas run like hell and Ryan Crouser hurl a shotput further than is reasonable.

We can watch swimming and thrill to 800 meters under water, but... a very small part of me also sees the monitors in sport coats walking along the edge of the pool at the same rate as the fastest swimmer in the world.  So, give me someone on the blocks and a starter pistol and less than ten seconds, and that's why I pay the price of admission.

And some times it's real, real close.

Monday, August 5, 2024

TV Watch: Batman - The Caped Crusader

Some time in 1992, I stumbled across Batman: The Animated Series.  What I remember is that I was on the phone with my ladyfriend, and asked to call her back in a bit, not wanting to tell her "Batman is currently being dragged through the darkened skies of Gotham behind Man-Bat, and it is amazing."  And, amazing it was.

I was pretty much *in* on the show after that, and my dorm room my first year of college became the 4:00 PM stop off where dudes (and an occasional lady or two) would crowd in for 30 minutes and watch Batman fight his way through his rogues gallery.  

I'd been reading Batman comics since the mid-1980's (I picked up right before Death in the Family, so whenever that was) and was only familiar with what I'd seen in current comics and some very old comics from the 1930's and 40's.  In many ways, Batman: The Animated Series had as much or more to do with how I'd think of Batman than the prior six or so years of comics.  

The series led into Batman/ Superman Adventures and, then, whatever other titles the show wore, but essentially DC animation had continuity from that Man-Bat episode to the final moments of Justice League Unlimited - lasting almost fifteen years.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Fox/ Marvel Watch: Deadpool & Wolverine (2024)

Watched:  08/03/2024
Format:  Alamo
Viewing:  First
Director:  Shawn Levy


And also a forewarning - this is going to be scattershot.  There's so much going on in this movie.