Format: Netflix
Viewing: First
Director: Rian Johnson
I don't really know how to talk about this movie. A podcast would be better.
This was a very, very good film. But we knew that going in, I think.
Look, I've never seen a movie by Rian Johnson I didn't like. His turn to becoming the cinematic Agatha Christie of the 21st Century is more than welcome in a landscape of movies that - in lieu of being about superheroes - have mistaken drudgery and being sad and/ or tortured as film for grown ups. Sometimes you just need a clockwork mechanism of a mystery movie with deeply charismatic talent, an amazing backdrop, and a satisfying ending.
But the movie isn't just (remarkably) well written. It's hard to argue with the cinematography and choice of locations, which gives the movie a unique multi-level perspective. And, of course, editing. There are a lot of characters, a lot of parts, a non-sequential timeline and a sprawling geography to the main location. It's a remarkable feat to see how this all still makes perfect sense.
Anyway, I'll either podcast it later or give it a go with a longer write-up. Maybe.
In the meantime: recommended.