Hey, y'all!
Well, yeah. This Thanksgiving was weird, but good.
First - I am thankful for Jamie and how much she looks after me and Scout and everyone else in general, but in COVID times, she's been extra great. We're now however many months into this mess and she's been both dealing well with having to live with me and has been entirely key to me keeping an even keel throughout.
I'm thankful for a solid job that is unlike to see much damage as the situation around us remains fluid. It can be crazy, but it's a challenge I am growing to appreciate more all the time.
We live in town with much of our small family, and I'm thankful we're doing well, and I can see people (socially distanced) even if high-fives and hugs are harder to come by. We've got a solid support system here locally and in California, and that doesn't hurt.
And, of course, I'm grateful for all you knuckleheads who have made COVID-times bearable by staying in touch, co-producing podcasts, reading the blog, and doing Tuesday and Friday movie nights. It's a heck of a thing that there's a network from New York to San Francisco and Seattle and back again through the midwest, Kansas City and onward to North Carolina and Tennessee. Y'all are everywhere, and it's alarming.