We've been in some form of lockdown since March 13th.
In some ways, this hasn't been entirely different from the nearly two years when I worked from home when I was at Northwestern University. I wake up, I shower, make coffee, eat something and sit down and get to work. I use my office, which is also my "collection room", ie: The Fortress, which I had decommissioned for work when I went back to UT.
When we were sent home from work, the home office was full of "stuff" all over the floor, making the room unusable. We'd recently had a remodel of our bathroom, and to make room for the contractors, I'd cleared things and just dumped them in my office and shut the door. Out of sight, out of mind. Honestly, what I piled in there was sitting on top of things I hadn't yet cleared away from Christmas, waiting for some time when I'd have some downtime and clean up, which I usually do when we're set to have company.
The first weekend, starting on the 13th, we just sort of blanked out. There was a run to HEB Saturday morning, buying food for a full week or more. The store was busy, but not hectic. Jamie and I put on nitrile gloves before going in - and I never saw anyone else with them on. No masks.