Tuesday, October 20, 2015
Curbing My Enthusiasm: Approaching "Star Wars - The Force Awakens" with caution
I may not have been the most excited kid on my block for the Star Wars prequels in 1999, but I was pretty darn pumped. I like to think I had some serious Star Wars nerd-credentials back when that meant something, back in an era when the internet was not around to provide you with an endless amount of trivia via a super computer in your hand. I could name most of the characters, vehicles, planets, had the posters, the toys, etc... Grew up with the bedsheets, the wallpaper, all that. Typical American 80's kid. No, I didn't have a tattoo or anything, and I certainly didn't quit my job to go sit in line for weeks until the tickets went on sale. In short, I was a pretty big fan, but I hadn't made it a lifestyle.
Mid-tier nerd. I know there are people out there who actually run around training to becomes Jedis. Folks gotta do, I suppose.
Prior to the movie, I went out and bought the toys when they arrived at Toys R' Us, and before that I'd been buying the re-issued toys. I remember having to explain to my pre-Jamie girlfriend that, yes, I WAS going to buy an X-Wing fighter, right in front of her.
I was never much of an expanded universe guy. I guess I knew from a young age that anything not in the movies-proper didn't "count", and that the books at B. Dalton and Waldenbooks were a cash grab as much as the Marvel comics with the green rabbit character, but nothing the movies wouldn't run over in a second as it seemed laughable that George Lucas read any of that material.
When Episode I came out, Jamie and I stood in line - she, fresh out of the hospital, and wearing my Darth Vader helmet (it wasn't a size 7 7/8ths helmet, so it never fit me) and carrying my Vader light saber (I carried my green Luke light saber).
We were in one of three or four midnight showing screens at the Gateway theater in North Austin, and there was a huge party atmosphere. Light saber duels on the stairs and people cheering hard against the late hour.
The credits came up, we cheered. I remember thinking "oh, this isn't entirely what I expected", and just let it wash over me.
Monday, October 19, 2015
Let's Watch "The Monster Squad" this Friday!
Movie: The Monster Squad (1987)
Day: Friday, October 23rd
Time: 9:15 PM Central, 10:15 PM Eastern, 7:15 PM Pacific
Stream From: Netflix
hashtag: #wolfnards
This Friday I'll be barreling across Texas in the afternoon to make it home in time for a screening of The Monster Squad, the 1987 adventure/ horror film. It's a great Halloween, all-ages fright-fest with a post-Spielbergian depth to our suburban characters.
Note the Shane Black screenplay. No, it doesn't take place on Christmas, but good question.
Day: Friday, October 23rd
Time: 9:15 PM Central, 10:15 PM Eastern, 7:15 PM Pacific
Stream From: Netflix
hashtag: #wolfnards
This Friday I'll be barreling across Texas in the afternoon to make it home in time for a screening of The Monster Squad, the 1987 adventure/ horror film. It's a great Halloween, all-ages fright-fest with a post-Spielbergian depth to our suburban characters.
Note the Shane Black screenplay. No, it doesn't take place on Christmas, but good question.
Sunday, October 18, 2015
Flash Watch: Season 2 - Episode 2 "Flash of Two Worlds"
In my book, there are a few places you can say that really changed comics. The publication of New Fun Comics, Action Comics #1, Detective #27, Sensation Comics #1, Amazing Fantasy #15, Fantastic Four #1, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Watchmen... stuff like that.
We can break down how each of those changed comics, and some were in large, cultural shift-y kinds of ways, while others took more time to reveal themselves.
Flash #123 is one of the places you can put your finger on that changed comic books in ways no one anticipated at the time. Pretty remarkable that between the first appearance of Barry Allen in Showcase #4, which I'm saying is the start of the Silver Age, circa October 1956, and the Flash of Two Worlds issue, circa 1961, we saw two huge changes in the state of comics thanks to one character (and, I'd argue, to a lesser extent in how Barry Allen dealt with his villains in those early issues). Today, it's almost impossible to imagine modern comics from any publisher without the concept of a multiverse (see Marvel's current Secret Wars event or the many worlds of Archie Comics).
The multiverse exploded the possibilities for comics, for alternate universes, and became a staple of sci-fi in everything from Star Trek's "Mirror, Mirror" episode to the existence of shows like Sliders and Fringe. And, of course, is part of mainstream physics at this moment in time.
Before we get too far into discussing how cool I find the multiverse, I want to also mention that I have a tremendous amount of affection, in general, for the characters of the Flash titles, and Jay Garrick of the Silver Age and Jay Garrick of the post COIE/ pre-New-52 definitely falls into that category.
So, of course, it was tremendously fun to see Jay put on the helmet on a legitimate TV show.
We can break down how each of those changed comics, and some were in large, cultural shift-y kinds of ways, while others took more time to reveal themselves.
Flash #123 is one of the places you can put your finger on that changed comic books in ways no one anticipated at the time. Pretty remarkable that between the first appearance of Barry Allen in Showcase #4, which I'm saying is the start of the Silver Age, circa October 1956, and the Flash of Two Worlds issue, circa 1961, we saw two huge changes in the state of comics thanks to one character (and, I'd argue, to a lesser extent in how Barry Allen dealt with his villains in those early issues). Today, it's almost impossible to imagine modern comics from any publisher without the concept of a multiverse (see Marvel's current Secret Wars event or the many worlds of Archie Comics).
The multiverse exploded the possibilities for comics, for alternate universes, and became a staple of sci-fi in everything from Star Trek's "Mirror, Mirror" episode to the existence of shows like Sliders and Fringe. And, of course, is part of mainstream physics at this moment in time.
Before we get too far into discussing how cool I find the multiverse, I want to also mention that I have a tremendous amount of affection, in general, for the characters of the Flash titles, and Jay Garrick of the Silver Age and Jay Garrick of the post COIE/ pre-New-52 definitely falls into that category.
So, of course, it was tremendously fun to see Jay put on the helmet on a legitimate TV show.
Halloween Watch: The Black Cat (1934)
I know I rented this movie once before (on VHS, to put a date on it) but I realized in watching it that I had no recollection of the movie, which means I didn't really watch it the first time.
The Black Cat (1934) marks the most famous pairing of Lugosi and Karloff, and while it is most certainly a horror film of a type, it's in no way a creature-feature or monster film. It's a movie that would predate a lot of later horror films from Karloff and Lugosi as they adapted Poe, and, of course, later films with Vincent Price.
American honey-mooners Joan and Peter Allison are seeing post-WWI and pre-WWII Eastern Europe by train when they meet Lugosi, who plays a doctor who is en route to see an old friend. From the station, they travel together to head to the next town in a bus which slides off the road near the friend's house, killing the driver and injuring Joan. All of them head to the house, a fantastic bauhaus-style mansion.
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Travelogue - Portland, Oregon
So, my apologies for not posting much this week. I didn't even get to do a Flash re-cap, at least not yet. Wednesday, I jumped on a plane and flew to Portland, Oregon for work. I'd never been there, and of the many things I like about my current job, it's that I get sent all over the place on someone else's dime.
A lot of the time when I travel, I just wind up hitting a hotel, eating in said hotel, going to bed, getting up, working, then leaving. That happens a lot. But on other trips, particularly when you're meeting with people from all over, you tend to wrap up work and then at least walk around a bit with those folks and grab dinner out and about.
Now, I was only in Portland from 11:00 Wednesday night until when I flew out at 9:00 on this morning (Saturday), so I can't say much about the town. I was working all day Thursday and Friday, but we did go out for lunch and dinner. And, yeah, a few of those meals were kind of over-the-top Portlandia-style and fantastic. We ate at the food trailer area on 10th street and a sandwich shop called Lardo's (I was very happy with my tuna sandwich). For dinner, we hit a place out in the 'burbs called Old Salt Marketplace, that was a lot of fun, and they made a good cocktail, terrific ham hocks and broccoli.
I won't pretend that I am a Portland expert. I was barely there. But it's a beautiful town and they do a lot of things we could learn from here in Austin. Like, hey, the drivers don't try to run you over. And you can walk places. Or take a train.
I stayed in a very nice hotel called The Heathman, where, just to make me uncomfortable, the doorman was dressed as a Beefeater. I have no idea why and didn't ask. Then, one of my colleagues who was also on my floor, pointed out that there was a security detail watching the door of another room. They were just camped out in an open room, watching the door. So, of course I asked, and the guy said "the reading light is better here" as he sat in the doorway.
I didn't push it. Never figured out what was going on. But I did see a lot of very nice dogs in my hotel.
Anyway, an unexpected highlight was getting an email from an old pal from college who moved up there years ago who saw I was staying right near her place of work. We met up, grabbed some dinner then went to a bar/ restaurant that - you know, 20 years later, it's funny how people still know "oh, Ryan will love this" - was an elaborately Egyptian themed bar that had seen better days maybe 15-20 years ago, and was dead empty on a Friday night. It was me, Amy, the owners, and a Stan Getz greatest hits album on the PA, surrounded by Egyptian kitsch. Not another soul around.
If you were to ask me about my ideal drinking experience - buddy, I just had it. So, thanks, Amy.
this was next door to my hotel |
A lot of the time when I travel, I just wind up hitting a hotel, eating in said hotel, going to bed, getting up, working, then leaving. That happens a lot. But on other trips, particularly when you're meeting with people from all over, you tend to wrap up work and then at least walk around a bit with those folks and grab dinner out and about.
Now, I was only in Portland from 11:00 Wednesday night until when I flew out at 9:00 on this morning (Saturday), so I can't say much about the town. I was working all day Thursday and Friday, but we did go out for lunch and dinner. And, yeah, a few of those meals were kind of over-the-top Portlandia-style and fantastic. We ate at the food trailer area on 10th street and a sandwich shop called Lardo's (I was very happy with my tuna sandwich). For dinner, we hit a place out in the 'burbs called Old Salt Marketplace, that was a lot of fun, and they made a good cocktail, terrific ham hocks and broccoli.
I won't pretend that I am a Portland expert. I was barely there. But it's a beautiful town and they do a lot of things we could learn from here in Austin. Like, hey, the drivers don't try to run you over. And you can walk places. Or take a train.
I stayed in a very nice hotel called The Heathman, where, just to make me uncomfortable, the doorman was dressed as a Beefeater. I have no idea why and didn't ask. Then, one of my colleagues who was also on my floor, pointed out that there was a security detail watching the door of another room. They were just camped out in an open room, watching the door. So, of course I asked, and the guy said "the reading light is better here" as he sat in the doorway.
I didn't push it. Never figured out what was going on. But I did see a lot of very nice dogs in my hotel.
Anyway, an unexpected highlight was getting an email from an old pal from college who moved up there years ago who saw I was staying right near her place of work. We met up, grabbed some dinner then went to a bar/ restaurant that - you know, 20 years later, it's funny how people still know "oh, Ryan will love this" - was an elaborately Egyptian themed bar that had seen better days maybe 15-20 years ago, and was dead empty on a Friday night. It was me, Amy, the owners, and a Stan Getz greatest hits album on the PA, surrounded by Egyptian kitsch. Not another soul around.
If you were to ask me about my ideal drinking experience - buddy, I just had it. So, thanks, Amy.
Bevo XIV Merges With The Infinite
The beloved mascot of the University of Texas, Bevo XIV, has passed.
The University of Texas has had a Longhorn Steer as its mascot for about 100 years, back when it was hilarious to bring a steer to a football game. And, hey, it still is.
The name of "Bevo" is somewhat shrouded in legend and mystery, referring to a brand of near-beer popular in the early 20th Century, and there's a very complex story about Texas A&M kidnapping the steer back when he was named "Bo" and branding the score "13-0" on his side, which was changed to "BEvO". I dunno. It's possibly apocryphal, but I'm not one to fight the legend.
This Bevo has been around for a while. I believe he was in place way back when we won the National Championship, but I'd have to check. He's been a good steer. And, unlike the first Bevo, we won't eat this one (Texas is a hard place, man).
Usually, Bevo hangs out in a sort of open pen on the sideline, drugged just enough (I assume) so he doesn't flip out when the Cowboys spirit group fire off "Old Smokey", the cannon that goes off every time we score. Secretly, I always want to see Bevo rush the field and clear the whole area, but he's always pretty mellow.
Animal mascots don't last forever. Texas A&M has Reveille, their cute little dog, and Baylor used to bring a baby bear to games in the 90's (I'm not sure if that's still something they do, but a bear lives on campus). And A&M has taken exceedingly good care of all their Collie dogs. But you need to have the character that bridges those generational, animal mascots and be a cartoon. So, we also have Hook 'Em, which is what you call the character mascot who runs around in a costume whooping it up. I like both.
We'll miss you, Bevo XIV, but we also know you lived literally the best life a longhorn steer is going to in this world or any other. We appreciated your service.
Monday, October 12, 2015
Sports Watch: Chicago Cubs and UT Longhorns
Well, this weekend and today have turned out to be just an amazing few days in sports-watching.
This is the first time I have seen Coach Strong smile in a calendar year. |
Cubs Win!
I didn't grow up watching baseball. I started watching it with Jamie's mom. I think we started watching ball when Jamie was in the hospital and then just because, hey, baseball. It wasn't my Old Man who taught me the rules of baseball, it was Jamie's mom when I was 20. They were kind of the team I liked, anyway, because as a kid I'd watch them on WGN mostly because I thought Harry Caray was hilarious. I was an adult before I found out - literally everyone thinks Harry Caray is hilarious.
Later, when the Cubs played the Diamondbacks when we lived in Phoenix, we'd always go to at least one game, and I really regret only ever making one Spring Training game, because it wasn't all that far from our house. And, we did make it to a Cubs game or two at Minute Maid Park before the Astros changed leagues. I'm still trying to plan a vaycay in Chicago next year to make it to a couple of games. I've only been to Wrigley once, but it was incredible. I like the new mega-stadiums, too, but seeing the Cubbies at Wrigley was just a blast.
Anyway, the Cubs have been just entirely terrible for most of the last 100 years. The fanbase, as near as I can tell, has some weird, masochistic thing going on where you learn the virtues of patience and eternal hope, because you never know when this year might be your year. And, for Cubs fans, it just never is.
80's Watch: Valley Girl (1983)
I was 11-ish when Valley Girl (1983) hit cinemas, and didn't wind up seeing the movie until circa early 1995 on VHS. I have almost no memory of that 90's-era viewing, and it wasn't just the case of "Red Dog"we were going through.
Unfortunately, its safe to say that Valley Girl is not a movie for me. That's fine. It was never aimed at me as an 11 year old, a 20 year old dude of the 90's nor was it ever supposed to be watched by a 40-something me.
I mostly see the movie as an interesting artifact of the era, but it's not like the movie was reflective of much more than a very regionally specific view into kind of dull high-schoolers with an after-school-special obsession with popularity. I don't like to use the term "shallow", but if I had difficulty remembering the film, perhaps it's because it's hard to get past the notion that both the main characters and A Plot of the movie wouldn't even really get your shoes particularly wet were you to wade through them.
In 2015, the movie is remembered for three things:
Unfortunately, its safe to say that Valley Girl is not a movie for me. That's fine. It was never aimed at me as an 11 year old, a 20 year old dude of the 90's nor was it ever supposed to be watched by a 40-something me.
I mostly see the movie as an interesting artifact of the era, but it's not like the movie was reflective of much more than a very regionally specific view into kind of dull high-schoolers with an after-school-special obsession with popularity. I don't like to use the term "shallow", but if I had difficulty remembering the film, perhaps it's because it's hard to get past the notion that both the main characters and A Plot of the movie wouldn't even really get your shoes particularly wet were you to wade through them.
In 2015, the movie is remembered for three things:
Sunday, October 11, 2015
Lagoon Watch: The Creature Walks Among Us (1956)
I quite like the original Creature From the Black Lagoon. It's just really well shot, has a compelling story, and it is nigh-impossible to beat the creature design. I just love the way that fella looks.
I'd love to see an updated remake, but when I consider what it'd be like without Julie Adams, well, I have a moment of pause. And it's that moment of pause that's kept me from ever watching the sequels, two of which I own on a DVD set I purchased at least a decade ago. But I told myself I was going to watch both sequels this October, because, hey... why not? I mean, aside from the glaring mistake of not including Julie Adams.
Alas, we're not here to ponder Julie Adams. We're here to talk about the inevitable Universal sequel, The Creature Walks Among Us (1956). Actually, it's the sequel to the sequel, but I watched the damn things out of order, so, there you go.
I'd love to see an updated remake, but when I consider what it'd be like without Julie Adams, well, I have a moment of pause. And it's that moment of pause that's kept me from ever watching the sequels, two of which I own on a DVD set I purchased at least a decade ago. But I told myself I was going to watch both sequels this October, because, hey... why not? I mean, aside from the glaring mistake of not including Julie Adams.
This one image is more or less that whole movie in a nutshell |
Alas, we're not here to ponder Julie Adams. We're here to talk about the inevitable Universal sequel, The Creature Walks Among Us (1956). Actually, it's the sequel to the sequel, but I watched the damn things out of order, so, there you go.
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