I took Monday off and retrieved the dogs, who had been at the Puppy Ranch for the duration. It was a long stay, and they've been super tired since, so everyone is on the same page here. As much as they like the kennel, where they get to play with other dogs and go outside a lot, they also are always very happy to get back to the routine and their couch-dwelling existence.
no doubt that noise she heard was a bear, and I must be protected |
I was back at work on Tuesday, which was a hard adjustment. We have a lot going on right now, but we always have a lot going on, and I'm having to learn that I have to be able to not lose my mind when things don't go exactly as I'd have done them when I wander back in from 6 days off.
As Jamie isn't well, we haven't gone to see the new nephew who joined us just prior to our departure. I'm excited to see how much the wee nipper has grown. I bet he's already doing long division.
I was trying to think of some reflections about Hawaii or travel or something. I dunno.
I will say the following: