A few surprise late announcements regarding the second wave of Watchmen books in the all new DC Watchmen imprint. "We couldn't stop with just our first wave of announcements! We're just too excited and need to show profit again in the 3rd quarter! Watchmen was always a group effort, just like signing an office birthday card" said Didio and Lee. "We dug deep to find the greatest talent DC had to offer. Grant said he was busy, so here's what we came up with."
"While this is clearly unnecessary, its much easier to take this money than do cover work," said Brian Bolland. "You'd be amazed what its like to sleep on a pile of money from work you did when Reagan was in office. Yes, Dan, I will take another bag of money and a hooker. Is this thing on?"
1. An 8-issue team up book penned and drawn by Scott McDaniel is planned. The book will feature Seymour, the news stand guy and the shrink with the sexual dysfunction. The rumored villain is Matthew Frewer.
2. Scott Lobdell will write a 6 issue series exploring the further adventures of the raft made of dead bodies from The Black Freighter. However, the captain will be replaced by his daughter, an edgy, sexy young woman with just a whole bunch of secrets (and no pants). Lobdell promises "action, action, action!"