Monday, August 1, 2011

What We've Been Up To: Dealing with a large and growing collection of comics and related junk

So, on Tuesday night Jamie flew out to see The Dug and K out in Berkeley, and she took PalNicole with her.  I am trying to save my vacation dollars (not so much my days as I have plenty of those), and so I didn't go with.  I am going to try to get tickets to the Noir City Film Fest, and so I'll be in SF hopefully this winter (likely January 20th).  Budgets, people.

I did, however, take Thursday and Friday off work.  And I had a gameplan, which was why I didn't want to screw it up by spending a bunch of time pondering imponderables here at The Signal Watch.  Thus:  Hiatus.  Thanks for your patience.

Here at League HQ I maintain a home office which a few of you have had opportunity to visit.  On some show on Spike, it would likely be referred to as a "man cave", but its far brighter and cheerier than what I'd guess many man-caves to be.  Its where I keep my comics in boxes, display my action figures and toys, etc...  Its a homey little spot, but it doesn't get enough attention, nor have I been good about organizing my comics of late.  Basically, I had more than three long-boxes worth of comics that weren't really bagged and boarded, and hadn't been entered in the online database I use to inventory my stuff.  (I use an online service called

this represents about 16-18 months worth of Superman reading.  I should mention, after taking this picture, I realized I hadn't added my "Superman/ Batman" issues to the bin.  Also:  Jeff the Cat is always around.

This stuff is incredibly time consuming to deal with, and its not a good project to pick up and then do in bits and spurts.  Comic organizing all kind of has to happen either weekly or with a single, sustained effort once in a while.  Cleaning all those toys and shelves?  That isn't exactly something you want to do every day, and when you do it, man...

Saturday, July 30, 2011

So guess who just met comics scribe Mark Waid while seeing Captain America?

Wow! Fun night.

Me and Pal Kevin headed up north, had a lovely dinner and then ran over to the Gateway theater where Austin Books hosted a screening of Captain America with the Austin Chronicle. In attendance: Mark Waid.

Firstly, I am a big fan of Mark Waid's work on Flash, Captain America, Kingdom Come, Irredeemable and a whole lot of other books and characters. Secondly, of Marvel's roster of characters, Captain America is one of my three favorites (with Spidey and maybe Rocket Raccoon).

Waid (left) puts up with the unruly Austinites

So, this was kind of a big deal for me. Oh, and I also won a hat by answering a trivia question.

I actually had all the books that ABC had brought with them to purchase and get signed (like I said, I'm a Mark Waid fan), so I thought - ah, heck.  Why not?

yeah, I made him sign the hat, too

Mark Waid will be at Austin Books on Saturday from 4-7pm, if you have a chance to stop by.

My review of Cap is coming, but (spoilers) - I loved that thing.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Rumor Central: Bleeding Cool reports DC actually interested in making money - rumored response to complaints of gender inequity

Late Edit:  I went and saw Captain America this evening, and so I missed this until, oh... its about 1:00 AM on Saturday.  But the last post to the DCU blog, The Source, was just a straight up mea culpa and pledge to improve how DC deals with its female characters, creators and all of its fans.

Absolutely remarkable.

Original Post is below:

One of the things that DC said it would try to do under the New 52 was become more agile in delivering content.  If something wasn't working or selling, it wouldn't have a long shelf life.  Likewise, they would be willing to try new things.

DCE certainly can't have liked that the major story around the company coming out of CCI hasn't been the New 52 (of course, that was old news by Day 1 of the Con).  Instead, its been the gender equity issue in comics and how at every panel fans (well, maybe fan) would stand up and ask why more women weren't working on their books in the relaunch.  A bit of math DID demonstrate the the number of women dipped from 12% of the DC creative pool to 1%.  which... yikes.

Monday, July 25, 2011

A Brief Hiatus - Back Next Monday

Hi all!

At the risk of losing readership (both of you.  What up, Simon!), I'm going on hiatus for a week.

We sometimes go through these bits of manic writing, and when we come down from them, we need a break.  You probably would like a break from me, too, unless you were one of our many usual readers who started their break yesterday by avoiding reading Monday's post (and many of you did.  Probably all for the best.).

I bought a copy of this print a while back from artist Jill Thompson.

There is nothing I do not like about this picture.

While I'm away, I'll have Ms. Thompson's rendition of Wonder Woman watch over you, if that's okay.  She already took care of the Gorgon problem we had in the conservatory here at League HQ.

Anyhoo... we'll see you guys next Monday.   Of course the usual caveats about breaking news, etc... apply.

You guys watch out for each other, take care, and don't take any wooden nickels.

SDCC stuff from my personal little perspective

Another Comic-Con has come and gone.  Not much to mention here as the announcements mostly rolled out prior to the Con, but a few things were sort of interesting.

Even if it weren't Austinite Chris Roberson writing it, I would be looking at IDW's Star Trek/ Legion cross-over.  I normally don't go in for these stunt, TV-tie in, non-canonical cross-over things, but its Star Trek and Legion.  With Roberson onboard, this should be FUN.

Fantagraphics to publish EC Comics collections four times per year.  That sounds pretty great, if Fantagraphics can keep to their own production schedule, which has seemed like a problem over there.  They're doing Pogo, right?  I mean, eventually (I ordered that book literally a year ago.  Latest is that its coming for Christmas.).

Marvel is trying to make one of my favorite short-lived Marvel comics, Alias, into a TV show.   To avoid brand confusion, I think they're calling it A.K.A.: Jessica Jones.  This might also mean Luke Cage on TV!  Sweet Christmas!

Nate Powell's Any Empire looks very interesting

Mark Waid and that PVP guy had some interesting stuff to say about online comics (an area I realize I won't be too invested in until the iPad is far cheaper).

No doubt I'm in a little bit of a post-Con letdown.  The people attending might have all had fun, but most of the announcements broke way the heck before the con (which is fine.  Used to be you missed stuff in the deluge), but I can't escape a feeling of "well, that seemed a lot like re-arranging the chairs on the deck of the Titanic". I'm sure attendees had a great time, but...  I dunno.  Something just seemed off about this year's Con. 

DC's New 52 initiative seems to have come out of the Con shakier than it was going in.  Whoops.  Something about how much reassurance DC felt was necessary can only remind me of how companies getting bought-out need to tell their employees to keep working hard because nobody is getting laid off.  And then everybody gets fired.  And, seriously, did they really think there wouldn't be some blowback?*

I have to wonder if TPTB at DC aren't having a "we've made a terrible mistake" moment back at DCU HQ today.

That said, according to the article, all comic fans now sound a lot like an Our Valued Customers strip.
"I've never really cared about Superman before because he's got the whole boy scout thing," a fan remarked. "But Grant Morrison saying he's going to be more of a rebel now and more about what's right instead of what's legal, that sounds really cool."
Marvel seemed to be kicking DC's can pretty much everywhere, and it didn't help DC that Green Lantern went pretty much undiscussed while Captain America had a good opening weekend (not great.  Opened lower than the middling-performing Thor) and good word of mouth.  They have TV deals going (and the Wonder Woman fiasco at NBC is still fresh in everyone's mind), and the Fear Itself event seems to be going well at the House of Ideas. 

I quit reading Marvel about two years ago aside from some Cap and Daredevil**, so I really don't know what's happening over there.  And given the "you have to read all 50 of these books" strategy for their series, and their dedication to the "event after event" model...  I'm not real inclined to head back to Marvel at the moment.

The truth is, my patience for a lot of the telling and retelling of the same old stories is wearing thin.  Solicits and announcements of another character dying and being reborn, of a "conspiracy", of dark secrets being uncovered...  I need something of a break, I think. 

And, in reading the Con reports, as uninspiring as the "announcements" might be...  as always, the fans can be some of the worst part of the equation.  Oh my, we are the worst.  The absolute worst. 

*no, I'm not buying all 52 of your new titles.  Especially with so much of the creative roster rolling over (I know those guys and I don't buy their work now).
**the latest new issue by Mark Waid was really good, by the way

Hey, comics: Are you committed to hiring more women?

There was an interesting trend in the social media avenues of Comic-Con International 2011.  Gail Simone (Secret Six, Birds of Prey, the upcoming Batgirl) seemed to be living on Twitter throughout the Con (you can follow her at @GailSimone) talking up the sheer number of women at the con as fans, vendors, creators, and hawking etsy-type product.

As we've discussed here, in the past few years the number of women who've flooded into comics as fans has been amazing (even as the numbers in sales have plunged, which I don't get - except that I don't think anybody actually pays for the comics they read anymore*), and the web presence of female fans seems gargantuan, no matter how you slice it.  Anecdotally, on my routine trips to Austin Books and Comics, I see far more women now than what one saw in comic shops as recently as 2004.  Of course, I think ABC works hard to make the shop friendly to anyone who walks in the door.**

Why are there more women into comics than a few years back?

I suspect that a few dozen factors are at play, from the social changes we've seen in schools, parents no longer walking around enforcing ideas about what "girls are supposed to be like in order to get a man", a generation of parents raised on geek and sci-fi culture who think its keen when their children of either sex start geeking out.  But I also believe the marketing of sci-fi to a uni-sex audience really took off in the late 90's.  The 20-somethings of today were the kids playing with Pok-e-mon, reading Manga on the floor at Borders, and coming of age in a world where the 2002 Spider-Man movie was considered good entertainment for everyone (and not some anomaly). 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Noir Watch: Angel Face (1952)

Angel Face was released in 1952, directed and produced by Otto Preminger (Anatomy of a Murder, Laura) and stars Jean Simmons (Spartacus, Guys and Dolls) and Robert "I guess I'll be in it" Mitchum (oh, geez. What hasn't he been in?).

Its a tidy little movie, interesting mostly in that it makes a few choices that bust the mold for the movies of the era and for those of us who with expectations from reading Chandler or Hammett.

Let's agree we're going to think before we use the term "Twilight-y" or "Twi-Lighty"

Let's start with the notion that we all hate the 4-novel/ 5-movie cycle of "vampire" tales of Stephanie Meyer. And, people, having now seen the first three of those movies (with the support of wine and RiffTrax), I can confirm that there is no small amount to hate.

gah.  these two.

We've previously covered the deep seeded issues we had with Twilight
, but as a quick re-cap:

  • Bella is our focus.  Over three movies her character utterly fails to develop or even deliver dialog.  There is nothing remotely unique or interesting about her except that supernatural creatures seem to give a great big 'ol damn about her, but cannot explain why.
  • Edward is written as a psychotic stalker, but in the context of the movies, this is played up as desirable and sexy.  He does mope in expensive clothes and drive an expensive car and have a surrogate huge (vampire) family that all love Bella.
  • There's some werewolf kid who the female audience loves because of his abs and dopey, blank stares who also pines for Bella.  His entire storyline seems like a C-plot thread that somehow stole focus completely from anything actually happening.
  • Having had seen 3 Twilight movies, I cannot tell you what they are about other than that "bad" vampires want to kill Bella for inexplicable reasons, and that everyone is willing to die to protect her.
  • The movies are comprised about 60% of filler material of characters standing around having "emotional" scenes wherein the plot is not moved forward, the characters do not advance, and everyone feels badly.
However, in the past year, an interesting phenomena has occurred.  Superhero media featuring youngish men dressing like youngish men and going through fairly standard melodrama are getting the label of "Twilight-y" affixed to them in media commentary.  And it is not meant as a compliment.


Comic-Con Spider-Man fan makes me want to totally see "The Amazing Spider-Man"

from Bleeding Cool

WB moves release date for the new Superman film

This pops up all over the comics interwebs, but the basic story is that Warner Bros. has decided to move back the release date for The Man of Steel from December of 2012 (about 1.5 years from now) to summer of 2013.

Here is an example of coverage.

If I had to guess?

A few things could be at play.

  • Christmas 2012 is starting to look crowded, and there's not enough room to give Superman its own weekend
  • Green Lantern refused to move its date, and post-production may have suffered.  I'm not talking just FX (most of which were fine), but the story-telling that happens during editing a film.  And giving everyone more room to breathe may be seen as a valuable move
  • There is a possibility WB is re-thinking parts of the movie and needs the time, but...  I don't have any reason to think that at the moment, but it happens all the time and its not that big of a deal for a $250 million movie.  I'd like to think they thought about what they were doing before they started.

So, we'll see what happens next, but 2 years away is a really long ways a way.