As I went on and on about things I didn't like in a few recent posts, I thought I'd share a few things that I have enjoyed of late.
1. Game of Thrones - This show got off to a rocky start with an all-exposition pilot, and I wasn't sure I was going to care all that much about a fictional history of a fictional land when there are very real histories to care about. But it did have a certain je ne sais quoi, and by the end of the 3rd episode, I was in for the full season. I can't spell anybody's name, or remember half the names, but its still a really well produced show. And Peter Dinklage's character is my new hero.
2. Batman Inc. - Yesterday I read Batman Inc. # 2-5. There's not a lot of emotional depth to this one that I enjoyed in prior Morrison Batman work, but its a compelling story and epic mystery. I think he does a great job of picking up Rucka's vibe with Batwoman, and I would likely pick up an El Gaucho series all on its own (which... probably just me on that one, I guess).
3. Batman Beyond - I did read Adam Beechen and Ryan Benjamin's first few issues in the collection entitled
Hush Beyond, and I quite liked it. I was a big fan of the TV series and straight-to-video movie, and I wasn't tired of the universe that was developed for the show and the JLU cartoon. Beechen and Benjamin clearly were both familiar with the series, and its a fun read. Very glad this series is ongoing and they they're giving
Superman Beyond a One Shot to see how that goes.
4. Treme - I haven't made it through
The Wire*, so don't start on me that this isn't as good as
The Wire. Its a damn good show, although parts have gotten a bit cute for my taste this season. And its a good reminder of what happened and is still happening in our backyard. Great ensemble cast, amazing ability to weave in culture and music, and it has Khandi Alexander outside of a CSI show that I can watch without feeling my eyes burn. It is also job #87 or so that Kim Dickens has had in the last few years (JimD is right, Kim Dickens is pretty great).
5. Casiotone for the Painfully Alone - A co-worker turned me onto this band, and they're much more listenable than I would have guessed. I particularly like the cut "
I Love Creedence".
6. Friday Night Lights - yeah, I know its already been canceled, but I love this damn show. And its so sad so many people bring their baggage from high school and apply it to missing one of the best shows on network TV. The one downside is that I'm not sure the show ever got better than its pilot, which was one of the best hours of TV I've ever seen. Also: Connie Britton I could watch doing crossword puzzles or delinting sweaters.
7. American Gods - is pretty good. I need to just block out some time to finish it.
8. Edamame - why nobody told me about this stuff before is mindblowing. You are all on notice for not alerting me to edamame before now.
9. The ACL Fest Lineup - Go figure, the one year I don't buy a 3-day pass, its a great line-up. I'm only going Sunday.
10. My goofy gym - I love places with goofy names, and that includes my new gym: Planet Fitness. It just seems sort of half-baked, like they decided "eh, that's good enough" and called it a day. Inside, the gym proudly declares itself "The No Judgement Zone" in four foot letters, which isn't a misspelling of "Judgement", but its also not how you see it usually spelled (ie: judgment). And for that, I JUDGE THEM. Also, literally everything in the gym is purple, yellow or black. I can only guess this is seriously screwing up the rods and cones within the eyeballs of the employees.
*park it. I will watch it eventually.