Sunday, May 8, 2011

Signal Watch Watches: THOR

There are going to be plenty of straight-up reviews out there of the first really big offering of the Summer Movie Season, so I'll spare you an attempt at all that.

1) Like many Marvel movies, I've only a cursory knowledge of Thor as he exists in comics. As a kid, the character just didn't work for me at all (I thought the same thing about Superman, so, natch), and never really grew interested in Thor. I'm not much of a swords'n'sorcery guy, and I just wasn't interested in the mix of faux-Shakespearean dialect and modern interpretation of myth. I would look at Thor in Avengers, and he always seemed oddly out of place, like seeing Chewbacca show up in an X-Files episode because it's all sci-fi.

2) I think my Kirby-adoration has given me a better understanding of Thor these days, and I've spoken some with CanadianSimon about Thor, and, frankly, I am trying to free up my budget to get my hands on some of the Walt Simonson Thor. It just sounds too good.

Happy Mother's Day - in song!

Happy Mother's Day to the Moms out there! This Mother's Day my own mom is in Kenya wrestling lions or something, and Jamie's mom is in Trinidad and Tobago. So, no formal Mother's Day business for us.

But, hey... I assume somebody out there who reads this might be a mom. So, you know, we tip our hat. Its the hardest job out there, and there's not a lot of room for screwing up.

Anyhow, let's celebrate the holiday... in song!

From our friends in Pink Floyd:

From Dumbo:

From our friend Glen:

FCBD 2011 at Austin Books

Hey! Today was Free Comic Book Day all 'round the world!

As has become tradition, Jason, Jamie and I headed down to Austin Books and Comics to see what was going down.

The line wrapped around the building from about 8:00 AM until sometime into the very late afternoon.

This goes on just all day long on FCBD at Austin Books
Jamie is a sport. I don't know that she actually likes FCBD too much, but she goes pretty much every year.

Jamie is cos-playing as Super-Jamie's alter-ego, Jamie

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Signal Watch Housekeeping Updates

1)  I have started working on the Summer 2011 Signal Watch movie-watching and events calendar.  With this calendar, I'm letting everyone (especially Jamie) know where I'll be this summer when it comes to some of the fantastic offerings going on at various Austin cinemas (The Alamo, The Paramount and the newly opened Violet Crown Cinema).  I will also be adding a show or two in San Antonio thanks to TPR's Summer Film Series.

The calendar is only a guideline, so if you want to join me for a movie, please email to make sure I will actually be there.

Keep your eyes peeled.  We'll be updating the calendar regularly.

2)  I hit that point where I'm online too much and not reading enough.  I will be ratcheting back posting a bit (until I start posting too much again). 

3)  Please keep the comments coming.  We love to hear from all of you!  And if you're a reader who never comments, please do so!  This site works best when people comment.  For example, who is the mysterious stranger from Pepsi Co who keeps reading my blog?

Friday, May 6, 2011

Oh my God, The Alamo is doing a POTA Marathon!

A while back I announced my intention to host my own Planet of the Apes Marathon prior to the release of the new POTA movie.

Apparently, the stars have aligned and The Alamo Drafthouse is planning a spectacular Planet of the Apes Day-Long Marathon.  If you aren't following the Bad-Ass Digest, you're kind of making a mistake.  But that's where I heard about this shindig.  

So, Jamie, sounds like May 29th you'll need to recruit someone else to entertain you.  I'm looking at the opportunity for an absolutely amazing Day of the Apes!

only 2 movies of the 5 star Cheston, because only 2 could handle the Cheston-ness

Free Comic Book Day is Saturday

Hey kids, this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Its an annual event wherein comic shops have a selection of comics you can pick from at absolutely no cost. Not all stores participate, and not all stores do it well. My local comic shop both participates and does it very, very well.

Many stores will have special events, signings by artists and writers, and all kinds of stuff going on. I believe at Austin Books and Comics they've chosen to shackle writer Chris Roberson to a table for seven grueling hours of signing comics whether he wrote them or not. They don't even care if he gets hand cramps.

To find YOUR local comic shop, click here.

For a rundown of what might be available at your local comic shop (totally free!) you can click here.

I'm excited about a lot of these comics, including:

Also at Austin Books this week, creator David Mack.  That's pretty cool.

So, I encourage you to drop by your local comic shop and see what's going on.  I'll be heading down to Austin Books on Saturday around lunchtime. 

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Jon Hamm and a small, blue Yeti hang out in Central Texas/ Austin

I believe my old work colleagues David and Justin worked on this video during SXSW.

Today, I leave you to ponder Big Barda, one of my favorite comic characters

not known for a light touch, Barda is, nonetheless, pretty effective
Kirby's costume designs (and characters, and dialog, and plots...) during this era were just crazy and amazing

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jackie Cooper (Superman: The Movie's Perry White) Merges with The Infinite

The Signal Watch, League of Melbotis and all affiliated organizations wish godspeed to Mr. Jackie Cooper. Various sites are reporting his passing.

Don't call him "Chief"
 Over four Superman movies, Mr. Cooper played Editor-in-Chief of The Daily Planet, Perry White. Like the rest of the cast, Mr. Cooper defined the role for a generation, and left his indelible mark on the character.  Most certainly the comics of the 1980's and beyond looked to him for inspiration.

Of course, like Mr. Ford and others in the cast, Jackie Cooper had a storied career in Hollywood, starting in Our Gang shorts and starred in the Oscar-nominated film Skippy. You can read a more detailed bio here.

Mr. Cooper will be missed.

New Green Lantern Trailer even more Green Lantern-y