Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Noir Week at the Cinema Club

To the Signal Corps operating in the Austin, Texas District of Texas Sector...

Let me know if you're interested in joining up for any of the following:

Sunday 7/11: Alamo Cinema Club at the Ritz: The Prowler

Some classic film noir with a special mini-lecture by film noir expert Eddie Muller.

Monday 7/12: Alamo Cinema Club at the Ritz: Cry Danger

See above. Different movie, same guest presenter.

Tuesday 7/13: Sunset Boulevard at the Paramount

I finally watched this one in its entirety this year, and it more than earned its reputation. Totally brilliant.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Set Your Schedule by the Signal Watch

Just an announcement.

I've gone and made a calendar for Signal Watch stuff as a Google Calendar. You can see Cinema Series screenings we're considering, any local parties or events, and whatever else that's Signal Watch related that may be of interest.

If you want to add these things to your Google calendar, just search for the calendar belonging to signalwatch at gee mail (daht com).

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Lady Liberty at the Ready

Lady Liberty, 1918

found at Shorpy, a great photo blog.

Love the picture, but we do have some ideas about violence = liberty, do we not?

Happy Fourth of July

America. @#$%, yeah.

this poster bleeds awesome

Keep 'em flying, indeed.


This kind of stuff happens all the time in the US of A

It's right there in the name...

Happy Independence Day to my fellow Americans! And happy Fourth of July to all of our friends across the world!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

...and the American Way!

Happy pre-Fourth of July!

editor's note: I started gathering these images a while back, but our good friend Ransom beat me to the Independence Day Superman post. So, yeah, you're going to see some of these same images twice. That Ransom... sometimes he comes up with great ideas, too...

It will surprise many that I don't especially identify Superman with Mom, Baseball and Apple Pie. The comics and movies of Superman have long been intergalactic/ pan-dimensional in scope. So its hard to imagine a guy with an astronaut's view of Earth deciding borders mean a whole lot when push comes to shove.

But... Superman is often held up as a Red Blooded American. Heck, both George Reeves' and Christopher Reeve's portrayals of Superman made no bones about Truth, Justice and the American Way.

Superman, by the way, has a really great international fanbase. I'm always impressed how many folks from all over the world wind up on the Superman Homepage, on Superman facebook pages, etc... Perhaps Superman's global/ pan-galactic view of assisting all of humanity is a reflection of what a flag waving American can and should be. And, at the end of the day, when we're doing things right, its the best we can do when we do set foot on the soil of other lands. Heck, The Signal Watch's own KareBear is set for another trip to Kenya to help distribute glasses to our friends on the far side of Spaceship Earth. That sounds like something maybe we should consider being a good American.

So let's hope us Americans can be as awesome of an American as Superman. Or KareBear.

Now, let's have a look at Superman doing a bit of jingoistic flag waving.

From the upcoming run on Superman

Seriously. This weird dude punched Superman so hard he wound up back in 1776. And it was awesome.

This looks like the start of the world's nuttiest musical.

You likely don't look quite this awesome with a flag.

Well, Cap might look exactly that awesome with a flag.

Even eagles want to hang out when Superman gets patriotic

Truth, Justice... all that stuff.

That eagle is back...

This is the first Superman comic I recall ever buying.

The Justice Society knows how to have a Fourth of July party...

Now he's just showing off.

There was a time when it seemed perfectly reasonable that Superman would share his secret identity with the President.

Of course, Kennedy was hanging out with a lot of comic characters back in the day.

Just be glad that rocket landed in Kansas and not Mother Russia.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Short Break

I have some stuff that needs doing, and so will disappear from blogging for a short while.

for example, this bottle is not going to empty itself

A pre-programmed post or two will appear during this down time. Please amuse yourself in my absence.

I could look so sweet...

Sometimes Jamie says I have too many things with the Superman shield emblazoned upon them. What Jamie doesn't really know is what a small percentage of the stuff I could be picking up. Especially when it comes to apparel.

But then one ponders what designers seem to want to do with the Superman logo when they can apply it to "street" or "urban" wear. Sometimes jackets make Superman cry.

But maybe I'm wrong... maybe a jacket like this could really turn things around for me...

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Canada Day, Simon!

Yes, today marks the merging of the British colonies in 1867 to form the power we now know as CANADA!!! Happy Canada Day, ya'll!

Our own Signal Corps Captain, Simon, is a maple leaf loving son of a moose. He's nuts for hockey, is unfailingly polite, knows a whole lot about Terry Fox, and pays for everything in Loonies. He is distinctly Canadian.

So let's help him celebrate Canada Day with the finest things Canada has shared with their belligerent jerk neighbors to the south.

Before moving to Cleveland, Superman co-creator Joe Shuster was from Toronto, Ontario. That "American Way" bit was added 15-20 years after the character first appeared.

Real Life Catwoman Kind of Hilarious

Apparently there's a real life Catwoman running around New York. She's not exactly a criminal mastermind, but you have to appreciate her moxie. She walks into a store wearing a kitty mask, gives the clerk a note, they give her cash, she leaves.

Read here. But, mostly here.

Here's the video.

You kind of have to imagine how much having Batman around would escalate this whole situation. Here, the clerk is out $86. In Gotham, the windows would be smashed, the displays destroyed, and two bystanders somehow killed.

Batman is still kind of awesome, though.

What's Opera, Doc? - Live Action?

I consider it a great tragedy that Bugs Bunny is no longer part of the television landscape. Bugs represented the great tradition of the wiseacre, keenly aware of the absurdity of his own situation and the people/ water fowl who had created that situation, and who responded with intentional absurdity.

These kids today with their Pokemons and their Hannah Montanas... No love of mayhem in their funny business, and the subversion is mostly sly nods to the adults who might be watching. No appreciation for the well crafted gag, these kids.

Like everyone else born between, oh.... 1950 and 1985, my first exposure to opera came from Bugs Bunny. Primarily "What's Opera, Doc?" (the "I Killed the Wabbit" one), and the always classic "Rabbit of Seville".

Anyhow, I stumbled upon this live action take on "What's Opera, Doc?". It made me laugh.

The original, for comparison:

Dang, man. That's a heck of a great cartoon.