Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Don't Forget: Halloween Participation FUN is FUN

Hey, Signal Corps!  We have a sort of tradition of reader participation around Halloween going back many, many years.

The gentleman in the cape thinks our participation events are a bloody good time
I posted the rules  for the Halloween participation adventure last week, but wanted to put out a reminder.

Tragically, these things DO have deadlines.

Click here to read up on this year's event!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Also, happy Columbus Day

Paul reminds me today is also Columbus Day, a holiday which has suffered some setbacks in recent years due to the less than great fallout of Columbus' ships landing in the west.

I was just looking for India.
So, instead, (as per Paul's suggestion) we'll celebrate writer/director/ producer Chris Columbus.

Adventures in Babysitting, ya'll.

Happy Monday/ Canadian Thanksgiving

For reasons I am fuzzy on, Canada does its Thanksgiving on a Monday in October.  What the hell, Canada?

Anyhow, Happy Thanksgiving to our Canadian reader, Simon.

We posted plenty over the weekend, so forgive us if this is what you get on a Monday.

We read Action Comics #2
We ranted on UT's #11 ranking
We read Red Hood & The Outlaws, Batwing and Nightwing
We went to go see Baby Face (1933) at the Ritz.

Happy Turkey Day, Canada!  Enjoy some yams!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Halloweeeeeeeeeeeen Spooktacular Participation Time!

Hey, everybuddy!

Its time for the 2011 Halloween Signal Corps Partipation Event!

Ms. Lake continues to be very excited about this chance for Signal Corps participation
Last year we ran a participation event in which folks talked about their favorite and least favorite monsters.  Personally, I had a ton of fun reading responses that came in.  It was awesome to see all of the different monsters, creatures and explanations. 

You can see an index of last year's Halloween Event responses here.

a reader, spooked by last year's terrific responses

I floated a query via FB and Twitter to see what people thought might work for an event this year, and I appreciate the feedback!

We'll take a bit of a scattershot approach, and I apologize if we didn't use your idea this go-round.

when I found yet another picture of a woman looking back over her shoulder in a witch hat with a pumpkin, I figured I better post this one, too.

So, the two question categories this year are sort of Charlie Brown questions, which are my favorite:


1)  What is your favorite under-appreciated horror/ monster/ creepy/ whatever movie.  What scary movie did you see that you were shocked to either realize nobody had ever seen, or you realized later: everybody else hates this movie but me?

2)  What was your worst costume choice (or that of a friend or colleague)?  What costume do you just completely and totally regret having worn?  Why? 

"and one year, I was just straight up terrifying to the neighbors..."

  • Please send in all responses by October 19. 
  • We will begin running responses week of October 24.
This Signal Corps Participation Event participant isn't going to go batty worrying about whether people will like her responses


Everytime we do one of these, you guys write in to tell me "I'm not sure what to say" or "My answer won't be good enough".  Poppycock.  You've all got stories, and everytime we do this, its a blast.  Just share what you've got.

  • You may submit three answers per question (maybe you have a whole list of schlocky movies you really like or just have no ability to put together a costume.  You tell me)
  • Please keep profanity to a minimum.  Remember that my mother-in-law reads this site, and that we love Judy and do not want to make her sad with your swears and gutter talk
  • There is no fixed length for your response, but please include a "who, what, where, when, why" in your answer, if possible
  • You may answer either or both questions (or neither, but we won't give you credit for lack of effort)
  • Pictures are welcome
  • As editor-in-chief of this site, I reserve the right to withhold printing your responses with a clear conscience should you go off the rails, but I will be happy to talk through any issues I have regarding content of your submission

Send your submissions (or questions) to:  signalwatch at gmail dot com

Looking forward to your responses!  You guys always do such an awesome job when we have a group participation event.  So let's get scary and see what we can cook up for Halloween!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day, Shmabor Day

I read this strip for the first time in 1st or 2nd grade. And while I've come to understand, since, why Labor Day exists, each Labor Day this rhyme runs through my head.

You may not recall, but this is what early Garfield strips looked like back before he was changed to four, easy to copy circles with cartoon arms and legs that could be farmed out to Korean animation sweatshops.

click for full size

Thank you, Garfield creator Jim Davis, for the indelible impression you left upon me at a very early age regarding the irresponsibility of management at capitulating to today's holiday.  Were it not for our national fervor for a good cook-out, I don't see how this pinko holiday would have survived.

By the way, when I read Garfield strips, in my head our titular feline sounds exactly like my brother.  I don't know why.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Ladies' Halloween Costumes 2011

It's that time of year again, boys and ghouls!

Time to start thinking about what you might wear for a Halloween costume. As always, I shall be dressed as Superman whilst dispensing candy (and comics!) to the local kiddies.  Should a party erupt, we'll have to see what I do.

Last year on this blog we took a look at some surprising additions to what costume makers thought would make great "sexy" Halloween costumes. This year, we weren't quite as shocked. After Sexy SpongeBob, nothing can phase us.

All pics were lifted from, a place where I've bought some great items for Halloween such as my Superman boots and what was once my Superman costume (I only use the cape and belt anymore).


Wonder Woman is a staple of sexy Halloween costumes.  No doubt, the beauty of Aphrodite, wisdom of Athena and drinking prowess of Robert Mitchum is what every young trick-or-treater is thinking of when donning their Halloween garb.

The Linguree:

I think this one is not actually a "costume" that I think is intended to be worn at home so much as a convenient way for folks with creative homelives to spice things up a bit.  Or a way to make things fun at Los Chicas Bonitas come October 31.  But it is kind of cute.  I like the skirt.  But I don't think Diana could fight much crime in those heels.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

A 4th of July fantasy

Steanso's 2 Favorite People celebrate FREEDOM

  • Full bar? Check?
  • AmyD's Independence Day enthusiasm at 110%? Check.(note celebratory kitten shirt for full evidence)
  • Pontificatin' Hat on backwards? Check.
  • Wagner in a phenomenal topper of her own?  Check.
  • Julia and I in matching shirts?  Check.
  • PaulT and Jamie framing the picture?  Check.

That's Independence Day at League HQ.

So, that was the 4th of July

you're probably wondering about the picture.  I just thought it was awesome.
So, no real post today.

We had a lovely cookout in honor of Independence Day.  I basically spent the weekend watching old movies (you probably noticed a bunch of posts about old movies, maybe), running errands, tidying and then having ourselves a little cookout.

If you weren't here, well, you're invited for next time.  We tend to have an open door policy on these things.  If you've been here before for such a cookout, you were missed this go-round.

It was an interesting mix of very old friends, very new friends, work pals, work pals from former jobs, college pals, and my one sibling and his lady friend (who makes these killer brownies that deserve their own post at some point).

I had a great time, and I hope my guests did, too.

The dogs are pretty wiped out, all sacked out on the sofas, and I'm thinking that all I want to do tomorrow (since I took the day off) is clean up the remaining mess and then hit the gym to sweat out the bad humors three hamburgers, three cocktails an assortment of cookies and brownies surely did to me (AMERICA, people).

Austin had a burn ban in effect as its rained for about half an hour in the past 6 months here.  Heck, its so dry that we could see a wildfire break out from two twigs rubbing together in a breeze, at this point.  People are actually pretty aware of how bad it is, so I've been impressed that I have only heard about three fireworks all day.   They also canceled the usually fairly impressive fireworks show downtown for the first time since WWII, and the symphony didn't play.  While I wasn't planning to attend, its still a bummer, and I usually actually watch the televised replay.*

Wherever you are, I hope you had a good weekend.  If you're an American here or abroad, I hope you got to raise a toast to those crazy guys who met up in Philly to change the course of human history, and who dedicated themselves and risked their lives by signing the Declaration of Independence in order to engage in the greatest experiment mankind would ever know (aside from mixing Mentos and Diet Coke).

Happy Post-4th.  

*yes, my nerdity extends into directions you never suspected.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Once Upon a Time in America

An Italian conducting an orchestra (I believe in Poland) performing a song written for a movie about early 20th Century American Jews shot partially in Rome (for that vintage look). That's America, people.

I'm a big fan of the movie Once Upon a Time In America, but a very big fan of the score.

Happy 4th of July, cont'd (America at its finest, video #2)

Just in case the previous post didn't say enough about why I love America, I would remind you: we made James Brown AND Rocky.

Independence Day Quandry: Who do you root for? WHO?

Happy 4th of July, America! (America at its finest, Video #1)

boom! woosh! fireworks! freedom!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Happy Canada Day to Our Friends in The North

Happy Canada Day, amigos!

Happy 4th of July Weekend!

To my fellow Americans who may be heading out for a long weekend, I wish you a very happy Independence Day!  And to our friends in other nations, there's a reason we're not picking up the phone on Monday (and/ or Tuesday in my case).

Liberty and Justice for All, indeed, Cap!
Be happy, healthy and safe, and we'll be right back here when you return from weenie roasts, family gatherings, beach trips and fireworks displays.  Now go out there, salute a flag and your freedom.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

A Father's Day Tribute to: The Admiral

The Admiral's icy gaze of disapproval.  Man, if I had a nickel...
Just look at the fella in the picture. Pity him, for he has endured no small amount of nonsense from yours truly.  Good guy, The Admiral.  Puts up with a lot.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Here at the Signal Watch, we salute all those who currently serve, those who ever served and those who gave up their lives for the protection of the USA.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day - in song!

Happy Mother's Day to the Moms out there! This Mother's Day my own mom is in Kenya wrestling lions or something, and Jamie's mom is in Trinidad and Tobago. So, no formal Mother's Day business for us.

But, hey... I assume somebody out there who reads this might be a mom. So, you know, we tip our hat. Its the hardest job out there, and there's not a lot of room for screwing up.

Anyhow, let's celebrate the holiday... in song!

From our friends in Pink Floyd:

From Dumbo:

From our friend Glen:

Friday, May 6, 2011

Free Comic Book Day is Saturday

Hey kids, this Saturday is Free Comic Book Day. Its an annual event wherein comic shops have a selection of comics you can pick from at absolutely no cost. Not all stores participate, and not all stores do it well. My local comic shop both participates and does it very, very well.

Many stores will have special events, signings by artists and writers, and all kinds of stuff going on. I believe at Austin Books and Comics they've chosen to shackle writer Chris Roberson to a table for seven grueling hours of signing comics whether he wrote them or not. They don't even care if he gets hand cramps.

To find YOUR local comic shop, click here.

For a rundown of what might be available at your local comic shop (totally free!) you can click here.

I'm excited about a lot of these comics, including:

Also at Austin Books this week, creator David Mack.  That's pretty cool.

So, I encourage you to drop by your local comic shop and see what's going on.  I'll be heading down to Austin Books on Saturday around lunchtime.