I think this Krypto movie will have Superman in it |
Firstly, I meant to spend any Super-writing time this week on discussing Elizabeth Tulloch as our Lois Lane on the recently completed TV series Superman and Lois. But I guess I'm punting on that 'til we're done talking the trailer for Superman. Suffice to say, my discussion of Tulloch will be a deeply positive one, so just... insert that in your brain for now.
As is evidenced by now, WB, DC and the popular movie community has lost its collective mind over the Superman trailer, happily following the marketing breadcrumbs along the way. This isn't a criticism. Movies stopped advertising during the covid-era, and I have no @#$%ing idea why they did that. You need to advertise to get people excited. Wicked advertised and is doing swell.
We knew Gunn had been working on a trailer and it would come out this winter. I thought it would come out for The Big Game, but... I think they wanted it out there for NCAA football game commercial breaks as we head into Conference Championships (SEC is this Saturday), and then bowl games.
The timeline, as near as I can tell, is that around end of October or early November, actor Frank Grillo said he'd seen the trailer for Superman 2025 and loved it.
Rumors abounded we'd see a trailer in December, but the internet is full of all kinds of non-facts, and so I was in a wait and see mode. Then - I saw that they were holding a showing of the trailer on the WB studio theater on Monday, and said "oh, I guess... maybe? For Christmas?"
What I didn't anticipate was that WB re-awakened their mostly dormant hype-machine and went into full-court-press. It seems obvious now.