Thursday, January 23, 2025

Superman 2025: Supergirl 2026

You can follow our posts on Superman at this link, and our posts on the new movie, Superman (2025) at this link.

One of the oddities of the new DC Studios Universe is that they aren't running through the heroes I expected.  We're starting with Superman, sure (as we should!), and we may be slow walking Batman into the DCSU, but we also have Creature Commandos.  And, now, already... my friend Kara Zor-El is getting a movie.  

Seen above, actor Milly Alcock is on set and shooting has begun for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Am I thrilled?  Yes.  

As a character, Supergirl's last big screen outing was in The Flash, and... it ended badly for her in a movie I didn't care for.  Before that, it was the mid-80's Supergirl with eternal Signal Watch crush Helen Slater. And that movie is, maybe, not the best movie ever made.  I also watched the full run of Supergirl on CBS/ The CW.  As a comics-reader, I became a fan first of the alt-Supergirl Linda Danvers during the epic Peter David run, but loved Kara Zor-El on Superman: The Animated Series.  

Because you demanded it - the year of Chabert: Groundswell (2022)

Watched:  01/20/2025
Format:  Amazon
Viewing:  First
Director:  Lee Friedlander

Firstly - absolutely no one demanded this.  Maybe Chabert's manager would like it, but Randy pitched turning this into a Chabert fan-site and never one to turn down a challenge that is totally pointless, here we are.

We do our little experiments here at The Signal Watch, and we like a theme.

Now that I'm not watching Christmas movies, I've realized Lacey Chabert is not just getting paid to appear in movies in Canada, she's all over the planet.  There's a Safari movie that takes place in South Africa, we watched the Iceland and Ireland movies at Christmas, and last year a Scotland movie.  I don't know what Chabert pulls down per movie, but tacking on some fun travel seems like a great perk.

This one takes place in Hawaii.  So, big props to everyone involved who managed to be in a movie about Hawaii that is mostly about surfing and eating.  If this is a thing, sign me up.

Chabert plays a chef - keeping in line with Hallmark's insistence that heroines have careers that seem kind of arty - who gets mad at her boyfriend/ boss (a terrible combo) after he takes credit for her dishes.  Wisely, she dashes off to her Aunt's amazing place in Hawaii.  

There, we meet Chabert's soon-to-be love interest, played by 1% BMI fellow Ektor Rivera as "Ben".  Ben is a broody fellow who gave up surfing and now runs a surf shop and refuses to button his shirts.  Good for him.  

Not-Aimed-At-Me Watch: Brooklyn (2015)

Watched:  01/22/205
Format:  Max
Viewing:  First
Director:  John Crowley

About ten minutes into Brooklyn (2015) I knew I wasn't the intended audience, or even an intended tertiary audience, for the movie.  I believe this was aimed at Not-Me, whomever that would be - perhaps Bizarro League, and/ or people whose flights of fancy involved less in the way of aliens with capes and/ or atomic-powered giant monsters.  Maybe this is more for folks looking for (melo)drama in the way of Jane Austen novels.  And for them, I say - enjoy!  Stop reading now.

Saoirse Ronan is everything you've heard, and the photography was excellent.  The movie is beautifully made, exquisitely acted, and has immaculate period detail and design.  

And I wasn't into it.


Sunday, January 19, 2025

Vamp Watch: Nosferatu (2024) - second viewing

Watched:  01/19/2025
Format:  Alamo
Viewing:  Second
Director:  Robert Eggers

Originally, I'd planned to see Nosferatu (2024) upon its Christmas-time release with MRSHL, a man who knows and loves vampire fiction.  And, he's an Eggers fan.  However, the stars failed to align and we didn't make it work.  But!  We finally got around to it here in mid-January.

I already spent a lot of time writing up this movie in recent history, so I'm not about to do that again right now.  

I do think I was better able to blow through some of my preconceptions and better get at the Ellen/ Orlok relationship, and it better confirmed some of what I thought was going on regarding Ellen's nature and Orlok's drive.  

Anyway, I dug it.  Glad I saw it again.

Chabert Lifetime Noir Watch: Imaginary Friend (2012)

Watched:  01/19/2025
Format:  Amazon
Viewing:  First
Director:  Richard Gabai

After running through something like 10 Lacey Chabert movies during the holiday season, Amazon is now offering up additional Chabert content - which has not helped when I pondered "what if I drove everyone nuts by making 2025 the year I watch and discuss *every* Lacey Chabert movie?"  Because, friends, she has 183 credits already, and is, like, 42.  That's not 183 movies - she's voiced several cartoons (including Supergirl on Harley Quinn), and been on a few TV series.  A glance at her IMDB suggests she's doing like 10-12 projects every year - and a heap of those are 90 minute TV movies.

Anyway - I'm not going to cover all of that.  But I'm also not going to not do it.  Who else will be the chronicler of Lacey Chabert's career arc?

Imaginary Fried (2012) is about eight years after Mean Girls.  It's a Lifetime movie, and part of the "someone close to me is trying to kill me" fantasy that characterized a lot of Lifetime's programming at one point.  Lifetime is a weird bastion of noirish programming that gets overlooked, but if these movies were black and white and the characters spoke with Mid-Atlantic accents, we'd just shrug and include them in the category as maybe B's.