Thursday, January 23, 2025

Superman 2025: Supergirl 2026

You can follow our posts on Superman at this link, and our posts on the new movie, Superman (2025) at this link.

One of the oddities of the new DC Studios Universe is that they aren't running through the heroes I expected.  We're starting with Superman, sure (as we should!), and we may be slow walking Batman into the DCSU, but we also have Creature Commandos.  And, now, already... my friend Kara Zor-El is getting a movie.  

Seen above, actor Milly Alcock is on set and shooting has begun for Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow.

Am I thrilled?  Yes.  

As a character, Supergirl's last big screen outing was in The Flash, and... it ended badly for her in a movie I didn't care for.  Before that, it was the mid-80's Supergirl with eternal Signal Watch crush Helen Slater. And that movie is, maybe, not the best movie ever made.  I also watched the full run of Supergirl on CBS/ The CW.  As a comics-reader, I became a fan first of the alt-Supergirl Linda Danvers during the epic Peter David run, but loved Kara Zor-El on Superman: The Animated Series.  

I won't get into all the versions DC comics mucked about with post-Crisis in the pages of funny books and why they did so, but none of them were the spunky blonde from Argo City I came to know through the old Showcase Presents black & white collections.  And I'll argue that DC has often suffered from putting all the wrong writers on Supergirl over the past 20 years and saddling her with some kinda dumb baggage.  But there is a lot to like in the modern version when someone does it right.

Recently DC seems to be trying to make her work in the comics again - and I think she works better as a solo act than a supporting character in Superman comics.  But, I think we're in a period of comic writing where good intentions don't always equate with a satisfying story (No, I didn't think the back-up story in Action the last few months was very good).  

But I think most of us liked Tom King and Bilquis Evely's Supergirl: Woman of Tomorrow miniseries as sort of True Grit in space.  And if that's what they do with the movie, okay then.  If they're just using pieces of it or the rough idea, okay then, too.

DC Studios Chief James Gunn dropped his pic on social media on January 23rd.

Thrilled to see cameras roll at Warner Bros. Studios Leavesden on Supergirl, with Craig Gillespie at the helm and the phenomenal Milly Alcock as our Kara Zor-El.

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— James Gunn ( January 23, 2025 at 12:37 PM

I don't know star Milly Alcock's work.  She's age appropriate.  She looks like a Kara to me.

So we'll see.

She's supposed to appear at least briefly in Superman, so we'll know a dash of what the feature film will bring.  

Anyhoo, what a time to be a Super Family fan!

Break a leg, Ms. Alcock.  Here's to a successful shoot.

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