
Friday, March 3, 2023

Friday Watch Party: Strangers on a Train

You've all suffered enough.  I mean, the past few weeks of watch parties have been a real gauntlet and test of intestinal fortitude.  And while "strangers on a train" sounds like something incredibly dirty, it's actually the title of a phenomenal movie directed by no one less than Alfred Hitchcock.  This is how we pivot at the Signal Watch.

I haven't seen this flick in decades, but I remember loving it at the time circa 1997.  It's a popular Hitch favorite, so let's get on that train and see who wants to swap murders.

Day:  03/03/2023
Time:  8:30 PM Central/ 6:30 PM Pacific
Cost:  $3-$4

(link live 10 minuts before showtime)

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