
Saturday, December 10, 2022

PodCast 224: "Lois And Clark- S4E11" - a Superheroes Every Day Holiday Episode

Watched:  12/03/2022
Format:  HBOmax
Viewing: First
Decade:  1990's
Director:  Michael Vejar

Danny returns! To talk the 1996 Holiday installment of a Super-favorite. Join us as we get merry in both the 5th and 3rd dimension, talk all-things Superman, where this show fits in to the expansive history of The Man of Steel and how this episode works as a Superman story. So what happens when Howie Mandel arrives and wants to conquer the world? Our man picked the wrong holiday to try that one.



Lois and Clark Main Title - Jay Gruska

Holidays 2022

Friday, December 9, 2022

Friday Watch Party: A Christmas Melody

When it comes to people who have tried to make a career out of Christmas media, it's hard to top Ms. Mariah Carey and/or Ms. Lacey Chabert.  Way, way back in 2015, this power duo teamed up for a single Hallmark movie.  Hold onto your hats, because this one was also directed by Mariah Carey.  I'm pretty sure its about a kids' singing competition or concert or some nonsense. 

Anyway, this combo is like loading your 5 lb. bag of Christmas with like 100 lbs. of Christmas, and we're gonna do it, and we're gonna like it.  No, I have not seen the full movie, just parts of it, which seems impossible.  

We're gonna Holiday the @#$% out of this %$#@.

Day:  Friday - 12/09/2022
Time:  8:30 Central, 6:30 Pacific
Service:  Amazon Streaming
Cost:  $3-$4

Happy Birthday, Teri Hatcher

Happy Birthday to actor Teri Hatcher, who is generally just a fantastic idea, but also a vital part of the Legion of Lois Lanes.  She is therefore of special note to this internet website which sometimes talks about Superman media.  

Here's hoping she has a great b-day doing whatever a Teri Hatcher does.


Thursday, December 8, 2022

Christmas Watch: Christmas in Connecticut (1945)

Watched:  12/08/2022
Format:  HBOmax
Viewing:  Unknown
Director:  Peter Godfrey

One of these days we'll podcast this one, but I've already discussed it before.  2015, 2020

Looking at those previous posts, it's remarkable how much the movie has grown on me, and I clearly forgot to write it up at least one other time.  

Anyway, this is how I will end every Christmas from now on.

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

Doc Watch: Santa Camp (2022)

Watched:  12/3/2022
Format:  HBOmax
Viewing:  First
Director:  Nick Sweeney

The basic concept for Santa Camp (2022) contains all the volatility you'd expect of a movie that decides to use the familiar cultural touchstone of Santa Claus and the people who play him in malls, parades, personal appearances, etc...  to explore modern social wars and challenges of diversity and inclusivity.  

The movie clearly has a POV, but it's also one that is never stated directly by the filmmakers - this is a doc that lets people be themselves for good or ill on camera.  So, it lives in editorial choices.  Who knows what was left on the cutting room floor?  Maybe some stuff was worse?  Maybe items that were innocuous are cherry picked for context?  But when you're letting Proud Boys speak for themselves, it's hard to say how much nuance you're losing.  

Opening with a meeting of a grand council of Santa's of New England, a role and career choice for aging white men who have a very certain look, we get an idea of who has been a Santa - who embodies jolly ol' St. Nick in our physical space rather than paintings and cartoons.  To my surprise, this group of very similar older guys have already decided that maybe Santa needs more options for the public than just older, white, paunchy men, and they're in agreement that they need to start diversifying by inviting new recruits to their annual weekend retreat known as "Santa Camp".