
Friday, September 2, 2022

Friday Watch Party: They Live

In ways I cannot calculate, They Live had a tremendous impact on me.  Not like Star Wars or Star Trek or The Godfather, but it left me cackling in the theater and - as I got older - made me appreciate how you can take something like a goofy sci-fi film and put even a single idea in it, and everyone who sees that movie *gets it* and will respond to that idea forever.  For a kid verging on teendom when I saw the movie, this was a perfect packet delivery system for teaching me a way to look at the world.  Who knew?

They Live has several key things we will be looking for

  • Meg Foster and her eyes
  • Keith David
  • the world's most unnecessarily protracted fight scene
  • the greatest line ever delivered in cinema, that you know whether you've even heard of this movie or not
Join me, Jamie and "Rowdy" Roddy Piper as we take in the John Carpenter opus that just keeps being awesome 30-odd years after its release

Day:  Friday 09/02/2022
Time:  8:30 Central
Service:  Amazon
Price:  $3-4

(link live 10 minutes before showtime)

Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Myrna Watch: I Love You Again (1940)

Watched:  08/30/2022
Format:  TCM
Viewing:  First?
Director:  W.S. Van Dyke

It's possible I've seen this movie before and simply don't recall watching it.  I believe it's in a DVD set Paul found for me years ago.  I thought I'd watched the whole set, but I don't remember this one in the slightest.

William Powell and Myrna Loy made 14 films together, and the ones I've seen are all pretty terrific.  It's impossible not to dig Powell's charm and Myrna Loy is maybe one of the funniest actors with the smallest effort in all of film, and always utterly buyable.  

Here, the pair team up in a screwball set-up as Powell plays an aggressively boring manager of a plant that makes cookware like pots who is out on a sea voyage when he bonks his head and rather than losing his memory, regains his memories from nine years prior when he was a shady con-man and crook, but loses all memory of the last nine.  During which he married Myrna Loy, who is set to divorce him for being so incredibly boring.  

That, kids, is a set-up.

honestly, pretty typical mealtime here at League HQ

Powell is in almost every shot and scene, and you will find yourself wishing there were more Loy, but when isn't that true?  The pair are firing on all cylinders in Thin Man energy, which is remarkable when you realize Powell is coming off of cancer treatment and the death of his fiance, and Loy was getting divorced.  This had to have been some terrific therapy.  

The additional cast includes familiar face Frank McHugh as a fellow con assisting Powell and giving him someone to talk to, and he's hysterical.  Edmund Lowe plays a career criminal.  Nella Walker is Loy's mother.  And a cast of familiar studio players fill other roles, including a post Our Gang Alfalfa.

The movie is light fluff and maybe a few minutes longer than it needs to be, but I can't say where they should trim.  I laughed out loud a lot.  There are some great gags, terrific word play, and I'll take a Loy side-eye any day.

Monday, August 29, 2022

PodCast 208 A: "Inhumans" (2017) - Episodes 1 & 2 - A Superheroes Every Day PodCast w/ Danny and Ryan

Watched:  August 2022
Format:  Disney+
Viewing: First
Decade:  2010's

For some reason, Danny and Ryan are talking Marvel's biggest failure - the 2017 attempt at a network TV adaptation of one of Marvel's highest concepts. The show dares to ask the question "sure, that's a neat idea, but what if we eliminated everything interesting about it?" We discuss the first two episodes (of eight) of the ill-fated show, and ponder what, exactly, was going on at Marvel and ABC?



Paint It Black - Valerie Broussard
Don't Fear the Reaper - Denmark & Winters 

Superheroes Every Day

Joan Watch: Mommie Dearest (1981)

Watched:  08/27/2022
Format:  Showtime trial on Amazon
Viewing:  First
Director:  Frank Perry

I've been avoiding Mommie Dearest (1981) for some time.  But Steven and Lauren were going to see the movie, and I figured - hey, this is a reminder or a sign it's time to catch up.

It's crucial to remember, Mommie Dearest was not intended to be a high camp classic - this was someone's idea of a warts-and-all, scathing unmasking of Joan Crawford and her hideous relationship with her children that blew the doors off the movie-star image, which... if you know how Joan's post 1950's career and life went, is almost punching down.  Not to mention her life prior to Hollywood and stardom.  And even after.

Look, Joan was very dead by the time the movie arrived and was unable to rebut the portrayal of herself in the movie, which was based on a single source, that of an extremely bitter daughter who had been cut out of her mother's will.

As I've grown older, I have become aware that smaller incidents for adults play out as grand dramas for children (just as grand dramas in the actual adult world frequently pass by unnoticed by children and people on twitter).  I know we're supposed to believe anyone who comes forward with a story, and I do - insofar as I believe Joan Crawford and her adopted children had a terrible relationship.