
Thursday, March 17, 2022

PodCast 189: "The Evil Dead" (1981) - a Horror Canon episode w/ JAL and Ryan

Watched:  03/13/2022
Format:  HBOMax+
Viewing: Unknown
Decade:  1980's
Director:  Sam Raimi

JAL returns to the PodCast to talk about a movie series that helped cement a friendship! Join us as we ponder the crazy early vision of a master of movie making, getting good results out of annoying everyone around you, and what you can do on a shoestring budget that can still provide genuine scares and have a bloody good time.



Introduction - Joseph LoDuca, The Evil Dead OST
Dawn of the Evil Dead - Joseph LoDuca, The Evil Dead OST

Horror Podcasts!

1 comment:

  1. For myself, I didn't see this film until much, much later after Army of Darkness, but AoD was probably the one film that had me start thinking about movies from the movie making perspective. In college, we pontificated for hours about this movie, especially around Rami's use of snap zooms (which I only recently noticed was borrowed heavily from 70's Chinese chop soki films), like in the making-the-hand scene where every little thing has a dramatic snap zoom.

    JAL and you then brought up that medical scene in Spider-Man 2. I recall very well how, when I saw it in the theater, I was laughing so hard at all the bits, because it was a compact little slice of So Rami. It wasn't until later when I talked to others that I realized that, no, it was supposed to be scary.

    I think it unusual that whenever a discussion about the first Evil Dead comes up, discussions about other Rami films enevitably have to also come up.


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