
Friday, July 9, 2021

Hitch Watch: Shadow of a Doubt (1943)

Watched:  07/09/2021
Format:  Noir Alley on TCM on DVR
Viewing:  Fourth
Decade:  1940's
Director:  Hitchcock

There's no reason in the world for me to write anything about Shadow of a Doubt (1943), if you're assuming I'd have anything new to say on one of the most discussed and analyzed films of the past century.  

I saw it the first time in film school, and, man, was I sold.  Re-watching it now, I'm no less - if even more - sold.  

So, go out and watch it, even if you've seen it before.

And, man, I love the one classmate of Theresa Wright's who is working in the bar and has the best "well, my life turned out shitty" attitude of anyone put to film.

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