
Friday, April 9, 2021

Watch Party This Friday - It's Gonna Cost Something - Danger Diabolik (1968)

Next Monday is my b-day, so I'm picking a movie for this Friday with no consideration for others, and all of y'all can deal with it.  

But I am a fair and just ruler of the Friday Watch Party, so I wanted to let people know in advance - it will cost a few bucks.  One does not simply stream Danger: Diabolik for no extra cost on Amazon Prime.  So, get your moneys together.

If you've not seen Danger: Diabolik, it's more or less the story of a super-villain in a world with no super-heroes.  So, it's just a whacked out dude with a secret HQ and a costume tearing shit up for about 100 minutes, and to a goofy score that will lodge in your head forever.

Directed by Mario Bava, and filmed in Europe doubling as maybe America? it's a super funky answer to the super spy craze and seems like something Amazon should be developing as a show.

Day:  04/09/2021
Time:  8:30 Central
Where:  Amazon Prime Watch Party


  1. The movie with the world's best boyfriend! I'm tempted to join twitter just to join in the fun.

  2. Well, we don't do it on twitter anymore (it was creating twitter pollution), but you will need an Amazon Prime membership. Would love to have you there!


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