
Friday, March 26, 2021

Friday Jamie Birthday Party Selection: Secret of My Success


Forewarning:  this one costs a few bucks to watch, so we'll understand if you bow out

Jamie puts up with A LOT, so if this is what she wants to do for her movie selection, we're fine with that.

This was the movie I assumed was gonna by filthy when I showed up at the movie theater to see a PG-13 movie and they *carded me*.  It's kinda not dirty, is crazy 1980's in many ways, and - most importantly - co-stars Helen Slater in business attire.

The no-nonsense shoulder pads that say "I can do a merger or take out Jim McMahon"

  • Day:  Friday 03/26 - Today
  • Time:  8:30 Central

Link here for Michael J. Fox

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