
Friday, November 27, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

Hey, y'all!

Well, yeah.  This Thanksgiving was weird, but good.  

First - I am thankful for Jamie and how much she looks after me and Scout and everyone else in general, but in COVID times, she's been extra great.  We're now however many months into this mess and she's been both dealing well with having to live with me and has been entirely key to me keeping an even keel throughout.

I'm thankful for a solid job that is unlike to see much damage as the situation around us remains fluid.  It can be crazy, but it's a challenge I am growing to appreciate more all the time.

We live in town with much of our small family, and I'm thankful we're doing well, and I can see people (socially distanced) even if high-fives and hugs are harder to come by.  We've got a solid support system here locally and in California, and that doesn't hurt.

And, of course, I'm grateful for all you knuckleheads who have made COVID-times bearable by staying in touch, co-producing podcasts, reading the blog, and doing Tuesday and Friday movie nights.  It's a heck of a thing that there's a network from New York to San Francisco and Seattle and back again through the midwest, Kansas City and onward to North Carolina and Tennessee.  Y'all are everywhere, and it's alarming.

It's hard not to be appreciative this year of our medical personnel, both frontline dealing every day with the fallout of the Coronavirus and the folks keeping the engines going everywhere from my local clinic to my new dentist - who are no doubt suffering major inconveniences as they have to stay germ-free.  And, honestly, I'm grateful for the folks trying to maintain some normalcy from my LCS Austin Books, to the good folks at my grocery who changed everything about shopping so folks like us can do curbside if we choose.

In fact, this Thanksgiving was made possible by the good folks at Austin sub-chain of HEB, Central Market.  This year, with just Jamie and I for dinner, we just picked up food and basically heated it up.  And while it wasn't the same as my mom's Thanksgiving dinner, it was very good, indeed!  

And now we have more leftovers than we will ever finish.  

Jamie wrangled the turkey out of plastic

It was a fine, if overly large, bird

We had the parade on delay - but I always watch it, and as we were getting started, Santa appeared. 

The dinner came with very good written directions.

The turkey was so big, I initially only carved half of it.

I mean, that seemed like plenty for two people.  In fact, the leg and wing made their way into the tupperware we brought to Jamie's dad in San Marcos in the afternoon.

I don't actually do gravy anymore, but it smelled great.  

SIDES.  I never get potatoes, let alone mashed potatoes.  We also got green beans, jalapeno pecan stuffing and roasted brussel sprouts (which I now like!  Who knew?). 

The feast.  With dog watching and hoping for some turkey.

As mentioned, we headed to San Marcos to visit with my father-in-law on his nice big, back porch and drop off his dinner.  Afterward, we wrapped the night by watching the Netflix Dolly Parton movie (directed by Debbie Allen) Christmas on the Square using Teleparty with Kristen and Doug.

Anyway - hope your turkey day was A-OK.  Best to you and yours.



  1. Similar. I did turkey breast in the crockpot and made gravy from the drippings. S mashed potatoes and did green beans, and I simmered some curry squash in coconut milk and served with couscous. S's dad dropped by and the dogs were very attentive of everyone's plates. Afterwards, S dropped a plate off at a friends place who'd just finished cancer treatment 2 weeks before.

    So, y'know, figuring it out. Still had plenty of leftovers so yesterday I made stock from the bones and put together a turkey noodle soup with root vegetables.

    Glad to see the three of you are hanging in there!

  2. holy cats, man. I can't believe you're still keeping up! I haven't heard from you in forever. Glad y'all are well!


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