
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Not That Spooky Watch: Little Shop of Horrors (1986)

Watched:  10/03/2020
Format:  Amazon Prime?  Jamie put it on
Viewing:  ha ha ha... I have no idea
Decade:  1980's
Director:  Frank Oz

I think SimonUK and I are going to podcast this movie after Christmas, so I'm not going to write it up. Weirdly, despite the fact I do watch this movie fairly often - somehow I've never written it up on this site, which is kinda odd.  There's a few mentions of the movie on, but the format over there was kinda all-over the place. 

Here's a post from back when I did DITMTLOD posts where I talk about Ellen Greene as Audrey.

Anyway, this seems like good incentive to actually cover it on the podcast this winter.


  1. "Suddenly Seymour" is a regular for bedtime songs, but I sure can't belt it out like Ellen Greene.

  2. I would love to believe you CAN belt it out like Ellen Greene.


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