
Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Next Up - Amazon Watch Party - "Barbarella" 1968

The outerspace equivalent of Seinfeld's "Rochelle, Rochelle" - Barbarella is a young girl's strange, erotic journey from one dopey planet to another.

It's really pitched as being sexy, and maybe this does it for someone out there, but aside from giving us the name of a great 1980's band and containing a series of WTF moments and an electric organ with quite the bonus features, Barbarella is kind of like a movie that promises you the sexy and then lifts the hem of her skirt to show you some ankle whilst smiling coyly.

Anyway, it IS batshit crazy, so we're going to watch it.  It co-stars John Phillip Law, which makes me wish Danger: Diabolik were available.  But it is not.

Day:  Friday 07/24/2020
Time:  8:30 PM Central
Format:  Amazon Watch Party streaming

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