
Monday, May 18, 2020

PODCAST: "Skyfall" (2012) - Bond Watch 07 w/ SimonUK and Ryan

Watched:  05/16/2020
Format:  BluRay
Viewing:  Unknown - maybe 4th?
Decade:  2010's
Director:  Sam Mendes

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We talk a favorite of the entire Bond franchise - "Skyfall"! It's not just a perfect Adele song, it's also a movie! Daniel Craig and Dame Judith Dench protect Mother England and tangle with Javier Bardem! There's a komodo dragon! There's a mysterious island! There's a chase through tunnels! A jail cell with no toilet! Join Simon UK and Ryan as we sort through the film that was better than the films immediately before and after.

Bond Theme - Monty Norman
Skyfall - Adele


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