
Saturday, May 16, 2020

Fred Willard Merges With The Infinite

Fred Willard has passed at the age of 86.

Willard was one of the funniest people to appear in TV and movies, full stop.

When I was in high school, Nick at Nite sprang into being and shortly thereafter brought on old episodes of Fernwood 2-Night, which, as a kid who could never sleep (or an adult who still won't go to bed), I found myself watching when I'd get a chance.  And then, of course, his appearances in Christopher Guest movies of the mid-90's just sealed the deal.  The man was hysterical.*

I'm really going to miss knowing he was out there, his guest appearances on shows, his recurring roles on others, and basically just having Fred Willard in this universe.

*those doubters should immediately view Best in Show, and then tell me Willard's role wasn't the inspiration for how today's dog shows on TV are broadcast.

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