
Tuesday, March 3, 2020

James Lipton Merges with The Infinite

In the 1990's, James Lipton burst onto the basic cable scene with Inside the Actor's Studio, a TV interview show where Lipton interviewed name-actors.  It was a fun program, not devoid of talk-show cheesiness, but also occasionally insightful and felt like actors sort of let their guard down, but also basked in the attention of starry-eyed young actors.

Lipton became a household celebrity himself, his mannered approach and just off-center style entertaining on its own.

James Lipton has passed at the age of 93.

I was never an aspiring actor, but I was always fascinated by the 10 final questions Lipton would ask as he closed down an episode.  So, here are my answers:
  • What is your favorite word? -  howdy
  • What is your least favorite word? - abbatoir
  • What turns you on? - intelligent curiosity
  • What turns you off? - lack of empathy
  • What sound or noise do you love? - dog feet on the stairs or the crack of a bat on ball hitting a homerun
  • What sound or noise do you hate? - beep of medical monitors
  • What is your favorite curse word? -  Fuck (it's so flexible!), but especially in the context of JFC
  • What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? - K9 officer
  • What profession would you not like to do? - flight attendant
  • If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates? - "all the dogs you ever had are over there with those books you never got around to reading"
Feel free to drop your own in the comments!  Do it for Lipton!

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