
Saturday, March 30, 2019

Batman at 80

They tell me Batman is now 80 years old.  Happy Anniversary/ Birthday, Bruce. 

This week, DC Comics released Detective Comics #1000, a big event book as it well should be.  I'll pick up my copy at my local comics shoppe (I asked for the Steve Rude cover - we'll see what I wind up with, because I genuinely don't care  All the covers were terrific, imho).  What happens in #1000 matters less than the stunning achievement of 80 years of Batman, a character dreamed up in the wake of Superman's overnight success, and whose most outstanding achievement is the ability to fit into any tone or version of the character you want and still remain, fundamentally, Batman. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

Comedy Watch: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

Watched:  03/26/2019
Format:  Netflix
Viewing:  Unknown
Decade:  1970's

It's been decades since I last watched Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975).  I'm glad I took the break, because it was genuinely fun watching the movie again.  Honestly, the movie was something both myself and every nerd around me had managed to kind of ruin at some point after high school.  

The version on Netflix looks amazing - literally the best I'd ever seen it - and while I still knew every joke, it was fun to see them again and see Monty Python at the height of their powers.

And, yeah, it was weird to realize how many things I say by reflex these days that came from quoting the movie once upon a time, so often, it seems, I'd forgotten this was where it came from.  (example:  I'd forgotten the origins of "and there was much rejoicing", which I do drop from time to time.)

Anyhoo...  you've all seen this numerous times.  I assume you either love it or hate it at this point, and I hope nerds didn't ruin it for you in the long, long ago.  But if they did, give it a go again - it's still remarkably great.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

PODCAST: "Innerspace" (1987) - SimonUK & Ryan watch an 80's sci-fi comedy!

Watched:  03/19/2019
Format:  DVD
Viewing:  Unknown.  Probably 3rd of 4th.
Decade:  1980's

It's Spring Break, and SimonUK is looking for something breezy and light. Ryan hasn't seen this movie in 30 years. We talk 1980's sci-fi comedies, director Joe Dante's ideas, and what actually works pretty well in this not-much-discussed artifact of the 1980's.

SimonUK Cinema Series:

Sunday, March 24, 2019

Doc Watch: The Inventor - Out for Blood in Silicon Valley (2019)

Watched:  03/24/2019
Format:  HBO Go
Viewing:  First
Decade:  2010's

A few years back I recall reading about Theranos, the "disruptive" tech company getting into the ultra-sexy field of phlebotomy.  The articles were fawning, talking about a young genius inventor out in Silicon Valley who had dropped out of school to start a tech company that was going to change... something.  The article was a little vague on how smaller blood draws were the biggest thing since sliced bread, but it insisted - no, really,  this is it, and we all need to get excited about the company, Theranos, and - really - the head of the company, Elizabeth Holmes - a prodigy who apes the fashion sense of Steve Jobs and who dropped out of Stanford as an undergrad to pursue her vision.

I wanted to check my biases on age and gender, shrug a bit at someone cosplaying Steve Jobs, and admit I don't really know much about phlebotoy other than watching a whole lotta blood draws when Jamie has been in the hospital.  Which is: a lot.

At the same time...