
Thursday, November 28, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

May your day be spent the way you'd wish, and may all of us take a moment to count the things for which we can be grateful. 

It's no secret I prefer a classic take on the day, starting with the broadcast of the parade, then walking the dog on our little trail around the neighborhood, and then dinner with my family - many of whom live here in town, making things pretty easy, honestly. 

I've a lot to be thankful for this year.  A change of jobs/ careers that went well.  Good health for me and my family.  Friends near and far, and that includes all of y'all, as we'd say down here in Texas.  Heck, I'm grateful for all the work and time my friends have put into this ridiculous podcast.  And I'm grateful for the time to do it, and support I've received (thanks, Patrons!). 

There are a million other little things that also make me happy, but which are the niceties, and don't fall super high in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, so I'll keep it short.  But I do hope you know I'm grateful for all of y'all. 

And Turkey.

And Rockettes.

Happy Thanksgiving, every buddy!

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