
Thursday, May 30, 2019

Travel/ Sports Report: Cubs at Astros May 29. 2019

The last two years, we went to Chicago for Cubs games, but due to a few shifting things this year, no can do.  However, The Cubs came to Houston for inter-league play (The Astros used to play them all the time when the 'Stros were in the National League before deciding to mostly just play The Rangers in the American League).  We'd lost two to Houston before this evening's game, and Houston is excellent this season, but you gotta believe!

I grew up saying the Astros were my team.  My parents took me to some games at the Astrodome, I liked to say "Jose Cruuuuuuuz".  And, of course, superstar pitcher Nolan Ryan moved to Houston in the 1980 season, playing there until 1988.  And, we all liked Nolan Ryan (we didn't go to that many games, but one time we went, I did see him pitch).

But I didn't really care about baseball until I was, like, 32.  But that part of you that had a good time doing something when you were a kid and, thanks to geography, identified for most of your like as an Astros fan...  I still like the Astros!  What sort of psycho doesn't like the Astros?  They've got Altuve!

Well, I took two days off to go to Houston for the game.  We're spending the night in a nice hotel here in downtown Houston, and then tomorrow we go home. 

Good times! mostly.

Unfortunately, despite a 2-1 win by the Cubs, our Center Fielder, Albert Almora Jr., hit a foul ball that managed to exit the field at about 100 mph and hit a very young girl who had to go to the hospital.  Story is that she's okay, but it cast a pall over the game not really knowing, and then when I got back to the hotel, I read about what occurred in detail.

Anyway - some game pics.

We're staying the Club Quarters Hotel, which was clearly just redone.  Great rate, nice room.  We're on the 16th floor.  The safety windows are positively old school.

view from 1617
 We got to the game a bit early to seek out food.  No doubt we were in Astros territory.

Jamie directs your attention to the large "H"

A middle-school band played The Star-Spangled Banner, and nailed it.

I am no connoisseur of ballparks, but Minute Maid Park is light-years better than the Astrodome.  Just a marvel of engineering and still feels like a friendly, fun place.  Plus, I had an excellent pulled-pork sandwich for dinner.

I have no real opinion of Orbit, the Astros mascot.  The Cubs only recently got a mascot.  They also don't have short-panted dancing girls.  Different strokes, I guess.

Kyle Hendricks is our most trust-worthy pitcher, and I was so glad to get a chance to see him.  8 innings, no less!

Oddly, Javier Baex played 3rd (left), Hendricks pitched (center) and Russell was Short Stop (right)
 I did drink a couple of beers, and while I'm not a huge fan of Bocks, I confess I chose this beer on can design alone.  I mean... when in Rome and whatnot.

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