
Thursday, April 25, 2019

So, yes, I have now seen "Avengers: Endgame"

I expect Jamie and I will be putting a PodCast together on Avengers: Endgame, so... bear with us until that gets recorded, posted and edited.  We are seeing it again tomorrow, so we get 2x the chance to miss things, I suppose.

All I will say for now, in spirit of keeping everyone spoiler-free, is:  I didn't think any time was a good time to go to the bathroom, so plan soda intake accordingly.  It is a LONG movie, but dense.

And, I genuinely wasn't spoiled by toys or anything else on the shelf.  The trailers I've seen mostly covered the first 20 minutes of a 180 minute film, so...  lots of movie there to grapple with.  But Marvel has done a great job of keeping the movie under wraps.

1 SPOILER after the break...

Ant-Man does not go up Thanos's butt.  I am sorry.

1 comment:

  1. I have now seen the thing. I have liked the thing. I loved the one thing that happened more than I thought possible. Can't wait to hear the podcast.



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