
Saturday, January 5, 2019

MST3K Watch: Atlantic Rim (2013)

Watched:  01/03/2019
Format:  MST3K on Netflix
Viewing: first
Decade:  2010's

It's not often you see a movie and you think "this isn't a patch on Robot Jox".   Made for... someone? by The Asylum - which raises the question about the market and outlets for movies like this in 2019.

Yes, this was a quick cash grab by The Asylum to make some coin off the dummies who think Pacific Rim and Atlantic Rim (2013) must be related, and probably honestly can't tell the different between the two, anyway.  I do wonder what has to happen to you along the way to decide this is going to be what you do for money, but I also don't blame them.

In closing: I am pretty sure they made the movie up as they went along and the cast was drunk through 40-60% of the movie, and I'm not kidding.  Our lead seems pickled a huge amount of this movie.


  1. Get on the horn!

    Yeah, this film seems like they filmed parts of it, like the ending and tge CGI set pieces, first, then came up with characters later, and kind of forgot everything until editing.

  2. As near as I can tell, the actors were just at that bar already, so they just gave them costumes and rolled tape.


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