
Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Movies 2018 - Running the Numbers

So.  Here's a rundown of what we watched in 2018.

The categories and methodology here are my own, but I think they work and they're fairly understandable.

In 2018, I watched 179 movies.

The numbers are derived from my blog posts, and should be fairly accurate.  It is likely I missed a movie or three somehow.

You can view the spreadsheet here.

I do not include movies I watched only in part, especially on television.  Example: I did not include National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation, as I only watched 45 minutes of the movie in the largest chunk, and other chunks I caught out of order on cable television.

I am also not including anything that is a television series or part of a serial of episodes.  I am including movies that were intended for an initial release on television, streaming services, etc...  The movie does not need to have had a theatrical release.

(edit:  NathanC released his watch list for 2018 within minutes of this post going up.  Here you go.)

So... how'd it go?

New to Me

I had not previously seen 104 of the 179 total movies.  This means 58% of the films watched were "new to me".  I am generally pleased with this ratio, but would like to continue to increase the percentage of "new to me" movies, or, generally, see more than 104 new movies in 2019.

First Viewing/ New Movie

If you regularly read this site, you know I watch a lot of older films at the expense of recent releases.

In 2018, I watched 23 movies in their intended first format of release as a new-to-me movie.   So, I am including cinema, cable TV and Netflix.  Example:  I watched Black Panther in the theater twice, but I'm only counting it once as the second viewing was no longer "new to me".  

I am giving myself leeway on two films - one of which I saw on an airplane (Proud Mary) while traveling and I believe the movie was still in - or had just left - theaters.  I am including watching DC animated movies on Amazon streaming as they were released as streaming simultaneous to their BluRay release.  And I'll include a documentary I watched streaming that I don't think ever played Austin outside of festivals.

That's about 16 new movies in the theater, or more than one per month, which isn't great.  I used to be at the movies 1 - 2x per week in my youth.

Viewed for PodCast

Across 37 episodes of The Signal Watch PodCast, I watched 40 movies.  That's roughly 22.35% of the movies watched.


How did I watch movies?

Theatrically:  39
    Austin Film Society Theater:  3
    Alamo Drafthouse (all locations):  35
    Paramount Theater: 1

Total Streaming:  49

    Amazon Streaming:  38
       (includes Prime, rental or purchase)
    FilmStruck:  2
    Google Play:  1
    Netflix:  3
    Google Fiber OnDemand:  1
    RiffTrax:  4
        Downloaded from Rifftrax:  3
        Amazon streaming:  1

Disc:  39
    (includes BluRay, DVD - my own or someone else's disc)

Cable:  6
    (includes live and from the DVR)

TCM:  45
    (I may watch old movies from time to time)


1920:  1
1930:  6
1940:  29
1950:  25
1960:  12
1970:  12
1980:  27
1990:  8
2000:  8
2010:  51


action:  13
comedy:  26
documentary:  2
drama:  21
fantasy:  3
horror:  30
musical:  8
noir:  43
sci-fi:  10
superhero:  21
western:  2

Month of Viewing

January:  10
February:  12
March:  13
April:  10
May:  18
June:  10
July:  11
August:  20
September:  20
October:  23
November:  10
December:  22

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