
Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

Well, it was a whirlwind of a Halloween evening.  I knocked off work a tad early to get into my costume - and because my parents, Jamie's dad, Jason, Amy and Raylan were all headed over for tricks or treats.

This year, Scout went as Captain America, because she does not like bullies at all.

Jamie went conceptual and went as Santa Jaws, and my mom sported her "Keep Austin Batty" blouse.

But, we had a spot of weather this evening, and that meant some craziness with wet trick or treaters, not the least of which was nephew Raylan.  But we wound up with quite a few as more and more families hit the streets as the weather slowly improved.

World's Finest Plus One

Lots of Hogwarts kids, my neighbor came out as a Hobbit, one Michael Jackson (Thriller era), a Dracula, a Jason Voorhees, a Supergirl, a Black Panther, a Harley Quinn, Eleven, some Disney Princesses, and a lot of stuff that I had no idea what it was.

I'm chilling out now and watching Cat People and easing into Turkey Day Season starting tomorrow.

In the meantime, one more go-round for Ye Olde Superman Costume.


  1. Thanks for hosting! We all had a blast!

  2. Yeah! We had so much fun having the whole crew over and getting to watch you guys trick-or-treat. Now, on to Turkey Day!


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