Sunday, August 19, 2018

PODCAST! SHARK-WATCH! "The Meg" (2018) viewed by SimonUK and Ryan

Watched:  08/16/2018
Format:  Alamo Village w/ SimonUK
Viewing: first
Decade:  2010's

SimonUK and Ryan venture out to the local cinema to go see a movie about a really big shark.  Opinions differ!  Points of view are considered!  Puking and laughing simultaneously is considered as a desirable outcome!  Who knew one toothy sea creature could create such discord with our reviewers?  But we can all agree - Jason Statham is in this movie.

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Stuart said...

I LOL'ed at this repeatedly on the way to work. You guys have got to do Expendables.

The League said...

I believe we can probably accommodate ;)