
Saturday, July 7, 2018

Where in the World is The Signal Watch? Chicago 2018

the coolest kids you know.  I am moping because my Cubbies just lost, 3-2 to the Reds.

This is our second year in a row to travel to The Windy City to take in some Cubs games (and rumor has it, we're doing it again next year).  It's no secret I don't just cheer for The Cubs, but quite like Chicago.  I also happen to work for a university in Chicago (from home), so I'm up here a lot.

Jamie and I flew up with Jamie's dad on Thursday afternoon and took a cab to our AirBNB.  We're staying on the opposite side of the park this year in a livelier area, and - honestly - I loved the quiet neighborhood vibe last year, but we're in a jumping social area with better food and drink options this year.  The weather has more than cooperated, so when we haven't been walking, at the ballpark, etc... we've been on the patio watching life go by on the street.

Summer is pretty busy for us in personal obligations, and work and work-travel wise, so we picked a weekend that seemed reasonable and where we thought our Cubbies had a chance of winning - but lately The Reds are on an upswing and swept the last series.  Still, you gotta show up.

By providence, our place is across the street from a pizza and cocktails place that also has sandwiches and whatnot, so we've been there for two meals and drinks. 

We got a tip for a great place for breakfast from Shannon N., so we went there Friday before the game.  But by noon we were headed for Wrigley so I could try and get the free giveaway hat.  I did not get one - so cry for me, my friends.

I selfie pre-game on Friday while Jamie and Dick watch the warm-up
Wrigley Field has become one of my favorite places on the planet.  It's got the history and tradition of baseball and Cubs baseball in every rivet of the structure.  The fans are great.  And on days like the past two, you get lucky with weather and it's nine innings of a pretty darn good time.  We can compare and contrast sporting events some other time, but I'm a fan of how baseball works and how it's done in The Friendly Confines.

Cubs Catcher Willson Contreras smacked the hell out of the ball a portion of a second later
As mentioned, the Cubs have struggled with The Reds this season, and we lost another one Friday.

After the game we returned to the apartment, then walked down to Lake Shore Drive and back up, grabbing dinner at Ristorante Angelina.  Then, grabbed drinks at the place in the picture above behind Jamie.

Saturday we returned to Wrigley for a second game and met up with Dick's lifelong pal, Tom.

See, there's Tom
This game went much better as the Cubs managed a come-from-behind win in the 8th with tremendous teamwork and everyone contributing on offense and defense.  Really, it was a lot of fun to see in person and see our guys hanging in there (and our relief pitchers, Rosario and Morrow, totally holding it together).

another view of Wrigley as our seats for game 2 were around the bend

it wasn't pretty, but we got there!

that's as close as I got to a rally cap

On Sunday, Jamie and her dad fly back to Austin and I stay on for a couple of days, getting some work down in Evanston.

So, that's where we're at, sportsfans.  More of the usual when I return from Chicago!

1 comment:

  1. Your Facebook updates about the Cubs game were one of the most hilarious things I had seen on there in a long time. Sounds like quite the roller coaster. Glad it was a fun trip!


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