
Thursday, April 12, 2018

PODCAST: NathanC and Ryan talk Disney's curious 1980s - "The Black Hole", "Something Wicked This Way Comes" and "Never Cry Wolf"

Nathan Cone joins us to discuss what the heck was going on at Disney in the 1970's and 80's that led to The Black Hole, Something Wicked This Way Comes and Never Cry Wolf. It's a fun ride full of Disney history and rife with 80's-ness!

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  1. Good podcast. In an interesting note, I think you guys started out sounding like "professional" broadcasters and end up sounding like old friends by the end. Fun to listen to.

  2. so you're saying we were pros before bros?

    Thanks! Yeah, well, eventually it was always going to wind up as me and Nathan shooting the bull, I suppose. We've picked out three more movies so expect another one soon.


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