
Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Signal Watch Tweet Alive! ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK! FRIDAY at 9:00 Central!

We had a request from our Kansas City branch to get back into the Live-Tweet Business.

It's been a long time, and Stuart pitched one of one of the best movies ever produced by humankind.

The Movie:  Escape From New York
Available streaming at:  Netflix or for $2.99 at Amazon
Day:  5/12/2017
Time:  9:00 PM Central
Location:  Twitter
My handle:  @melbotis
Our hashtag:  #snakescape

If you've not seen this movie - it's directed by John Carpenter (Halloween, The Thing, They Live), in his 80's heyday, telling a tale of the dark future of 1997 (the movie was released in '81).

It stars Kurt Russell!  Lee Van Cleef!  Ernest "I'll be in anything" Borgnine!  Donald Pleasence as the POTUS!  Isaac Hayes as Post-Apocalyptic Isaac Hayes!  Harry Dean Stanton!  and Adrienne Barbeau (and all that that entails)!  Tom Atkins (you'll totally recognize him from the 1980's)!  And Frank Doubleday in my favorite performance of it's type, anywhere!!!!!

It's 1997, and the world is not going so well.  The President's plane is infiltrated by terrorists, and POTUS must make good his escape en route to a peace conference and prevent the escalation of an international conflict.  Unfortunately, POTUS' escape capsule lands him in the middle of New York City, which - in the context of the last 1970's was kind of a hellhole, and so by '81 it made some sorta-logical sense it would be walled off and turned into a maximum security penal colony.

Luckily for the US Government, they recently captured super-criminal Snake Plissken (who is NOT dead, thank you), so they send him in to retrieve our two-legged MacGuffin.

It.  Is.  Amazing.

Friday night!  9:00 Central!  Be there!