
Monday, October 23, 2017

My Space Bar is Broken

If I haven't posted much lately - the space bar on my laptop is going, and every few hits, it just doesn't take.  So stuff lookslikethis.  Which doesn't seem like that big of a deal, but writing anything longer than a fb comment is kind of painful.

So, bear with me while I figure out what to do.


  1. For a second, I thought this was some sort of metaphorical statement.

  2. Is your computer an Apple? I bet it's not. Apples are perfect. They never break. They are so worth it. If you were smart and had bought an Apple you probably wouldn't be having this problem. And you'd be a better person.

  3. Nah. I get cheap Lenovos. They do literally the exact same thing that 99% of Macbook users do at home with their far-more-expensive computers, and I don't have to suffer the indignity of taking it to a mall Apple store to beg someone with the title of "Genius" to help me when the thing ceases operating in the exact same timeframe as my Lenovo. Also, I can generally trouble-shoot issues myself.

    Yeah, you kinda have to be a crazy dumb-dumb to have bought into all the Mac marketing unless you're actually using the MacBook for software development. Looking at facebook doesn't require a $2000 computer. Plus an iPad. And iWatch. You dumb suckers.

  4. So you're saying you're too cheap to buy an Apple...

  5. Emily's Macbook Pro broke and the thought of having to buy a Windows laptop as a replacement sent her into a tailspin of despair. So we sold one daughter and her new Macbook Pro arrives tomorrow. Emily has somehow surpassed me as the biggest Apple nerd. When she gets the Apple Watch this Christmas, she'll have the whole set.

    And what happened to my other comment?

  6. I get email notifications when people post comments, but I didn't see yours. I had to check "awaiting moderation", which I only do every once in a while. So, it posted now. And, no, this is not a metaphor. Sadly.


  8. I won't lie, Jake. It is EXACTLY like this.


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