
Wednesday, July 19, 2017

"Professor Marston & The Wonder Women" - Trailer for WW Comics Origin Pic

Well, this is going to complicate things.

But, yes, I'll absolutely be going to see it.  First read about this circa 2001 in a book by Les Daniels.


  1. Have you read the Jill Lepore bio this is (I assume) based on? It's fabulous, really nice reporting, and a balanced account of an interesting life...

  2. I've read something like 3 books on the origins of WW and Marston (two by Les Daniels), and while I think we own the Lepore book, I haven't read it. Buuuuut... I have an audible credit I need to burn. I think Lepore covers a lot more of Martson's life than Daniels did, which was almsot more by way of explanation. But for the time it was written - late 90's, I think - it's very even-handed, if a bit "look, we know you're gonna giggle about this, so everyone settle down".

  3. Lenore did indicate that she had access to letters, employer evaluations, etc. that hadn't seen the light of day.

    I hadn't read anything about him, really, although I was aware of the Lie-Detector tie-in, and that his symbolism was absolutely intentional.

  4. Yeah, I think where the intentional part gets curious is: what was the intention?

    And I think the movie looks like it's going to take that on. But i better get to that book quick before the movie comes out.


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