
Thursday, April 6, 2017

Don Rickles Has Merged With the Infinite

What can you say?  Don Rickles was one of the five funniest people I can think of, and he was a pro and working right up til recent years, still himself and sharp as hell the last time I saw him on video.

Some people's comedy doesn't age well - I'm not sure how a lot of comedians from the first thirty years of TV would play today.  But Rickles was always in a class of his own, decade after decade, and no one could do what he did and still be beloved by multiple generations.  I think we all knew - that wicked tongue?  It was the act.  You never saw people who actually knew Rickles say a word against him, and if you doubt that, please do watch the doc, Mr. Warmth.

I mean, I can think of few things that would have filled me with more joy in this life than had the man ever called me a hockey puck.

Here's the NY Times obit.

He's truly going to be missed, and I hope all the media coverage he gets tells the younger kids he was more than a Mr. Potato - although that was sort of perfect, too.

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