
Monday, October 17, 2016

Halloween Watch: An American Werewolf in London (1981) - a non-write up

Sunday evening, SimonUK and I went to an Alamo Rolling Roadshow presentation of An American Werewolf in London (1981) - one of Si's top movies (like, he would watch this every day if you let him), and certainly one of my favorite films.  It's just fun, chaotic, werewolf-laden mayhem with a nice bit of really dark humor winding through it.  And, of course, Jenny Agutter.

I'm pretty sure I've written this movie up before, so no real point in doing so again.

The Rolling Roadshow is a series The Alamo Drafthouse offers wherein they bring an inflatable screen to an outdoors location and show a film.  They do lots of types of screenings from themed-location screenings (Jaws on the water) to showing kids' movies in the park for the whole family.  Tonight's theme was Halloween Horror/ tonight was the Super Hunter's Moon - a very bright full moon.  So:  werewolves.

Si and I arrived a bit early, and Simon got a nice fellow to take our picture.

two finer gentlemen, you will not find

The screening was on the grounds of the old Austin Power Plant, which was no longer used when I moved here in the 1980's and just in the last ten years was turned into a bunch of retails, restaurants and IT office spaces.  It's actually quite nice over there.  But longtime Austinites have loved the look of the building my whole life, and so I'm glad that they retained the exterior facing Caesar Chavez Street with the American Pre-WWWII look.  Austin doesn't have much of that.

And, of course, the movie features Jenny Agutter.


  1. Looks like fun, but I am disappointed that neither of you appeared in werewolf garb!

  2. There actually was a guy and his girlfriend who came in kind of under-stated outfits as a werewolf and his victim. I only saw them getting on their bikes to leave (and ride home in a werewolf suit).

  3. Stick to the road, stay off of the moors, and don't trust anyone who doesn't adore this movie


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