
Monday, September 26, 2016

Cap'n Watch: Captain America - Civil War

I re-watched Captain America: Civil War because I bought the BluRay.

In general, I like this movie quite a bit.  But I've written on it twice this year, so that seems like plenty.

The image above appears on a t-shirt my mother purchased for me.  She's generous to a fault, but she usually is on the side of "you have plenty of Super-America Man stuff" which is usually followed by an unprompted "Poor Jamie" and a look of pity tossed Jamie's way.

But... My mom bought me this.  I wear it all the time because - yeah, I like it fine on its own, but sometimes it really is the thought that counts.

Thanks, Ma!


  1. She said "he doesn't need to advertise his nerdiness any more than he already does".

  2. Also - I just remembered - it was my birthday present.

  3. Mom Says,

    She got Jason a Star Wars shirt! She (we) always try to treat you evenly.



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