
Sunday, April 17, 2016

Trailer for "The Legend of Tarzan"

Dude.  I kind of vaguely knew this was coming out, but hadn't seen any trailers.  If you're going to make a Tarzan movie in 2016, this is the one I want to see.  I think.

Dear God, do not let this be as terrible as it probably will be.


  1. This is an oddly optimistic opinion from you about an upcoming movie.

  2. Yeah. I figure they'll just disappointment me, but the trailer is an interesting mix of classic Tarzan story, new stuff and the jungle that comes to life in ERB's book that you don't necessarily get in the 1930's movies. I don't know how you avoid the racism issues in Tarzan, but I'm optimistic they've dealt with it somehow. I dunno. I grew up really liking Tarzan, especially up to the age of 10 or so, and I'm always hoping someone will make the movie that reminds folks how cool Tarzan can be.

  3. Don't go see this. Go see Jungle Book.

  4. I kinda want to see Jungle Book this coming weekend. It's had good-enough review according to RT.


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