
Friday, March 11, 2016

Captain America III Trailer, Just Because

Of course I'm excited about Captain America: Civil War.  It's a new Marvel movie, so I'll go see it.  Plus, it's a Captain America movie, which means I'll see it opening weekend.  Plus, it has The Falcon, Black Panther, Black Widow, Iron Man, War Machine and more.  So, I'm seeing it opening day at 7:30.  Tickets are secured.

I was not, of course, a fan of the actual Marvel Civil War comics, and I am concerned I'd have the same issues with this movie.  If Marvel wants to pretend it has any attachment to the real world, yes:  superheroes kinda sorta seem like they need to be regulated folks under the supervision of some sort of legal authority.  Otherwise, it's "person with an agenda and a mask on the street with lethal force at their disposal".  What made the Marvel Civil War comics all the more ridiculous was that Cap, who was a working government agent with no secret ID at the time of the series' release came down on the side of anarchic superheroes avoiding legal repercussion.

We live in a country of laws, sir.

It's a bit easier to frame Cap's argument in the wake of The Winter Soldier movie and the lack of history of the Marvel Cinematic U in comparison to all the times superheroes destroyed Manhattan in the comics.  SHIELD, who was riding herd, did try to kill Cap and a whole lot of other people.  And Tony Stark was kind of single-handedly responsible for Ultron, so maybe he does need some supervision.

I dunno.  I've already spent my money, so I'm going.

All of this contrasts so awkwardly with the upcoming Superman vs. Batman and the absolute certainty of how that one will play out.  More, the utter lack of drama in two steroid abusers slugging it out because they haven't ever sat down for lunch together to discuss things.  It's the cheapest of comics stories and one that's driven me crazy since middle school (almost as half-assed as your usual "mind-control" storyline).

God bless the indiscretion of film goers 18-26 who are no doubt feeling their juices flowing every time they imagine working through their issues with their parents when they see Batman taking a swing at Superman.

Also, it's a stupid premise.  Superman would beat Batman to a pulp.  Your "planning ahead" argument is what sad people say to each other in tweets.


  1. As we discussed on Twitter I remain cautiously optimistic that this will be a great film.

  2. It feels like this will be a good one. Maybe great. But, man, these days I wait for those first reviews to come in before I get invested beyond the cost of a ticket. Which is why I'm bracing myself for the SvB reviews.


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