
Friday, December 11, 2015

And, lo, there was yet another X-Men film. Hopefully not one too disappointing.

I believe I'm now legally obligated to see this movie.  I'm not even sure I'm happy it exists, but I suppose I'll be catching a matinee at some point.

I kind of feel the way about X-Men movies the way I do about X-Men comics.  It's how I got into comics, but I kind of lost interest at some point, but I'd be sad if they went away.  Also, too much Wolverine.


  1. Is this an accurate depiction of Apocalypse? I mean, he looks sort of the same, but I remember the backstory being different...

  2. So, since we stopped keeping up with X-Men in 1992 or so, they've made some changes. Apocalypse was given this sprawling Egyptian back story at some point that I learned about when I was watching the cartoon in college. I guess it's more or less accurate. Part of my flicker of interest in the X-films is that I have this very strong X-knowledge right up to 1992, and then... not so much. So there are always surprises when i watch the movies. I don't do a lot of "who is THAT guy?" when I watch The Flash or a Batman movie.

  3. At some point I'll probably watch it at home. Can't imagine running out to the theater to see it. If only the kid was into super hero movies.

  4. I liked the last two X-Men movies A LOT. This one has Olivia Munn in it. That is all.

  5. I liked the last two as well, but I never anticipate them. I just realize there's a new X-movie out, look at Jamie and say "Hey, wanna see the new X-Men?" and she thinks about James McAvoy and Fassbender in one movie, and I have a movie buddy. I'm a Patrick Stewart man myself.


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