
Tuesday, October 20, 2015

"The Expanse" coming to SyFy in December

I am going to give this pilot a shot.


  1. Looks cool. Could be the best thing to hit SyFy since Battlestar.

  2. Yeah, they're really buckling down on the hour-long dramas on SyFy. There have been a few I've wanted to check out, but this one I'll actually make time for.

  3. I'd heard about this series some time ago. So one day a couple months back I noticed it was on Netflix and put it on. I was confused but intrigued because I hadn't realized the premise had to do with the humans being launched in the 60s. Then I realized Ascension was something completely different and by the end of the first episode I was done with it. So, what I'm saying is, don't make that mistake. This is the one I was waiting to see.

  4. I've read four out of the five released books and they are very good so I'm excited about the series.

  5. Gerry - I think I saw you have some less than flattering things to say about Ascension just before I was going to give it a whirl. So, seems a I dodged a bullet.

    Simon - Yeah, it looks really fleshed out. I'm looking forward to seeing if the pilot is as good as I hope.


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