
Friday, August 28, 2015

Happy Birthday, Jack Kirby! Some Favorites from his time at DC

Today marks Jack "King" Kirby's 98th birthday.

Jack's granddaughter runs to Kirby4Heroes Campaign, which is an annual event focused on raising money for The Hero Initiative.  The Hero Initiative raises money for freelancer comic artists and creators who may need some financial assistance.

Let's honor Jack Kirby by donating today!

And what better way to celebrate the man and artist than with a glimpse of his amazing work.  We're doing more than one post on Kirby, so look for two more today.  But we're starting with DC as I first went from "that's Jack Kirby" to appreciating Jack Kirby, specifically via his Fourth World work and that era of DC output.

Let's start with one of my favorite DC characters, and an original Kirby creation...

And, of course....  my favorite splash page in comics....


  1. Hail to the King baby!

    There is a great Flickr set of Kirby's 2 page splashes. I look through it every once and awhile for inspiration.

  2. My third Kirby Day post is slated for this afternoon and I posted some splash page spreads and his collage work. It would have saved me no small amount of time to have this Flickr link last night when I spent an hour looking for images. Sigh.


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