
Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Trip to Metropolis!

I wrapped my conference in Indianapolis on Thursday night, and, on Friday, jumped in a rental car to head down south to Metropolis, Illinois for the annual Superman Celebration.

I confess the conference left me a bit wiped out, so I grabbed a nap and didn't get down there until 6:00ish, where I met up with longtime internet pal, Stuart Ward.  Great guy.  More on that later.

The festival goes all weekend, but I'll only be in Metropolis on Saturday, really, and then drive back to Indianapolis to fly out Sunday.

Anyway, here are some sights:

I finally met the Man of Steel!

Yes, I am 6'5"
He was as swell in person as you would hope.

And the other Man of Steel!  Great classic-era costume.

And Comrade Batman!  from the Red Son graphic novel.

Comrade Batman meets other Batman!  But it is not a Crisis!  There two pal'd around the rest of the night.

Batman defends the Super Statue with the aid of this young crime fighter!

This was Nashville-based Rubik's Groove.  They were totally fun.

And, back at my hotel, a Nash Rambler with a "LOIS LANE" license tag - a great homage as Lois drove a Rambler in the classic "Adventures of Superman".  The funny thing is, I may have seen this car before once in Wisconsin.  I need to check my old photos.

No pics of Stuart yet.  I'll need to grab some.

Here's a link to the Superman Homepage covering the festival.  Stuart and I are somewhere off camera in the last video, rocking out.

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